Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
All the students have to stay boarding in the school.
Several teachers also live at the school along with boarding students.
The back door, however, had been boarded up in the last week.
The house where she used to live was boarded up.
People boarded, only to be told a second time to get off.
And it seems as if we are not going to get very much more information without boarding her.
They'll see us trying to get in and we'll be boarded.
Most of them were still boarded up, since it was early in the season.
And the only one he could have boarded was going the wrong way.
He called city officials daily before boarding the place up himself.
One of the men boarding at 86th, however, was completely different.
The room's only window had been boarded up from the outside.
Two other men, also in their 20's, boarded at the same time.
Only six or seven feet down from the top had been boarded across.
The women who boarded the coach did not look back, or even at each other.
In the late afternoon, the house was being boarded up.
The store itself may even have been boarded up for a while.
They can be boarded at various points in the city.
Nearly every window in the city had been boarded up.
In Chicago he boarded at a house where there were several women.
The school has facilities for both boarding and day students.
Boarding aids should be available for at least one door.
She had five minutes, and found her train as it was boarding.
One has long since been boarded over to make room for the stage.
Two of those have been put to other uses and one is boarded up.