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"absolutely" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

absolutely przysłówek

czasownik + absolutely
Kolokacji: 65
absolutely love • absolutely refuse • absolutely need • absolutely forbidden • absolutely required • ...
absolutely + przymiotnik
Kolokacji: 199
absolutely necessary • absolutely certain • absolutely sure • absolutely essential • absolutely right • absolutely clear • absolutely true • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 30
  • Rest in bed is absolutely necessary for several more days even a week.
  • As for food they won't get any more than is absolutely necessary.
  • The first and second are absolutely necessary to them as men.
  • Absolutely necessary to make sure of him before taking a single step.
  • He didn't want to take any more time here than absolutely necessary.
  • "Free trade is absolutely necessary to the future economic well being of the world," he said.
  • In case it were absolutely necessary to do so, I was to tell you these words.
  • If absolutely necessary, she knew she'd be able to keep this up for hours.
  • I wouldn't tell him more about yourself than you find absolutely necessary.
  • "What we have done is not something I would like to do, but it was absolutely necessary."
2. absolutely certain = całkowicie pewny absolutely certain
3. absolutely sure = całkowicie pewny absolutely sure
4. absolutely essential = całkowicie niezbędny absolutely essential
5. absolutely right = całkowicie prawy absolutely right
6. absolutely clear = całkiem jasny, absolutnie przejrzysty absolutely clear
7. absolutely true = całkowicie prawdziwy absolutely true
8. absolutely wrong = całkowicie zły, błędny absolutely wrong
9. absolutely correct = całkowicie poprawny absolutely correct
10. absolutely perfect = całkowicie doskonały absolutely perfect
11. absolutely beautiful = całkowicie piękny absolutely beautiful
12. absolutely impossible = zupełnie niemożliwy, absolutnie niemożliwy absolutely impossible
13. absolutely amazing = całkowicie niezwykły absolutely amazing
14. absolutely brilliant = całkowicie błyskotliwy absolutely brilliant
15. absolutely free = całkowicie wolny absolutely free
16. absolutely wonderful = całkowicie cudowny absolutely wonderful
17. absolutely critical = całkowicie kluczowy absolutely critical
18. absolutely vital = całkowicie istotny absolutely vital
19. absolutely gorgeous = całkowicie wyborny absolutely gorgeous
20. absolutely ridiculous = zupełnie niedorzeczny absolutely ridiculous
21. absolutely fine = całkowicie świetny absolutely fine
22. absolutely crazy = całkowicie szalony absolutely crazy
23. absolutely false = całkowicie błędny absolutely false
24. absolutely delighted = całkowicie zachwycić absolutely delighted
25. absolutely safe = całkowicie bezpieczny absolutely safe
26. absolutely silent = całkowicie cichy absolutely silent
27. absolutely fantastic = całkowicie fantastyczny absolutely fantastic
28. absolutely incredible = całkowicie niewiarygodny absolutely incredible
29. absolutely stunning = całkowicie olśniewający absolutely stunning
30. absolutely crucial = całkowicie decydujący absolutely crucial

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