A sudden increase in blood pressure often is the first sign of a problem.
In fact, I believe that such a large, sudden increase would not work effectively.
But the sudden increase in pain made him even more alert.
The patients who dropped out, they said, did so gradually over the year of the study, without a sudden increase after six months.
"But that's not enough to explain the sudden increase from 1992 to 1993."
The sudden increase in weight pressed him forward this time.
He was still, and she sensed his sudden increase of interest.
The matter is made more serious by the sudden increase in the speed of transmission.
The state should also plan better to avoid large, sudden increases.
Now, added to this, we have the sudden increase in oil prices.
Coalition members say that has contributed to a steep rise in drug spending.
The life of man is a road with steep rises and dips.
That is the steepest average rise of the last 10 years.
Between 1910 and 1930, a steep rise in the crime rate occurred.
That surge followed a steep rise in January as well.
This can be seen in the steep rise on the graph.
But ahead, past a steep rise, was a sharp bend in the road.
And officials expect a further steep rise in the next few years.
Another half a mile passed before the cabin came into view up a steep rise.
Last year's steep rise in oil prices led to major problems for a number of airlines.
It was the steepest increase in more than six years.
"By not doing it, we will now have a steep increase of about 30 percent in residential taxes."
Some people thought the steep increase would be the kiss of death for such plans.
There has been a steep increase in the use of the English language over the years.
"But if you look at the last 20 years, there has been a very steep increase."
"We are expecting a steep increase in the number of cases."
The past few years have been witness to a steep increase in such crimes.
Company officials expected an even steeper increase, 12.7 percent, in 2002.
But even with an agreement, steep increases are in store for thousands.
Actually one twenty five to two pounds is quite a steep increase.