Another story arc has George returning to live with his parents.
The last few chapters make up one final story arc.
Later in the second story arc and for the rest of the series, they become white.
The main story arc is set approximately 6 million years in the future.
By the end of the story arc he has been arrested.
Thus his story arc within the series comes to a conclusion.
He is killed at the end of the story arc.
The purpose of a story arc is to move a character or a situation from one state to another; in other words, to effect change.
In them, a new story arc was started but not completed.
There is no standard as how long a story arc may last, since it can run from several weeks to a few months.
The novel's non-flashback narrative arc occurs within the period of a few months.
The narrative arc here is from public activism to individual redemption.
The unresolved larger narrative arc encourages speculation about future story events.
And unlike most newspaper stories, these have a satisfying narrative arc.
The best Japanese cartoons, on the other hand, are about coming of age, with all the traditional narrative arc and character development that implies.
And what jumped out from this narrative arc, in my view, was the moxie of the man.
Second, there is no narrative arc to this account.
The Internet will shrink your brain and rob you of the ability to track a narrative arc!
The video is about 30 minutes long, with no sound; it runs in a continuous loop and has anything but a narrative arc.
"It has to have movement and a narrative arc," she said.