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"explanation" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

explanation rzeczownik

rzeczownik + explanation
Kolokacji: 7
explanation of one's behavior • explanation of Commonwealth • explanation of Allied unit • explanation of one's methodology • ...
explanation + czasownik
Kolokacji: 40
explanation comes • explanation makes • explanation includes • explanation lies • explanation seems • ...
czasownik + explanation
Kolokacji: 43
require explanation • accept one's explanation • hear one's explanation • demand an explanation • offer an explanation • ...
przymiotnik + explanation
Kolokacji: 198
possible explanation • simple explanation • only explanation • full explanation • detailed explanation • alternative explanation • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 31
2. only explanation = jedyne wyjaśnienie only explanation
3. simple explanation = proste wyjaśnienie simple explanation
5. detailed explanation = szczegółowe wyjaśnienie detailed explanation
6. likely explanation = prawdopodobne wyjaśnienie likely explanation
9. plausible explanation = wiarygodne wyjaśnienie plausible explanation
10. logical explanation = logiczne wyjaśnienie logical explanation
11. rational explanation = racjonalne wytłumaczenie rational explanation
12. reasonable explanation = rozsądne wyjaśnienie reasonable explanation
13. scientific explanation = naukowe wyjaśnienie scientific explanation
14. good explanation = dobre wyjaśnienie good explanation
15. official explanation = urzędowe wyjaśnienie official explanation
17. clear explanation = jasne wyjaśnienie clear explanation
18. brief explanation = krótkie wyjaśnienie brief explanation
19. best explanation = najlepsze wyjaśnienie best explanation
20. satisfactory explanation = zadowalające wyjaśnienie satisfactory explanation
21. better explanation = lepsze wyjaśnienie better explanation
22. obvious explanation = oczywiste wyjaśnienie obvious explanation
23. common explanation = wspólne wyjaśnienie common explanation
24. long explanation = długie wyjaśnienie long explanation
25. natural explanation = wrodzone wyjaśnienie natural explanation
26. adequate explanation = należyte wyjaśnienie adequate explanation
27. complete explanation = ukończone wyjaśnienie complete explanation
28. real explanation = prawdziwe wyjaśnienie real explanation
29. easy explanation = łatwe wyjaśnienie easy explanation
  • There is no easy explanation for the decline, she said.
  • It was an easier explanation than the one that fit the situation.
  • Throughout his books, study pieces are accompanied by easy explanations of music theory.
  • However, as with the tiger, there seems no easy explanation for their purpose.
  • "We just come back from hunting," was his easy explanation.
  • "But the easy explanations are not quite adequate," he said.
  • But look more closely and the easy explanation falls short.
  • Thus we find a basic disparity without any easy explanation.
  • There is an easy explanation for such a sensational turn around.
  • They all agreed that there wasn't any easy explanation to the objects.
30. partial explanation = częściowe wyjaśnienie partial explanation
31. psychological explanation = psychologiczne wyjaśnienie psychological explanation
przyimek + explanation
Kolokacji: 16
without explanation • of explanation • in explanation • on explanations • for an explanation • ...

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