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"violent" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

violent przymiotnik

violent + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 333
violent crime • violent death • violent act • violent protest • violent attack • violent incident • violent behavior • violent clash • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 65
  • The city's growth has also brought air quality problems and an increase in violent crime.
  • The city also has a higher rate of violent crime than the national average.
  • The West led the increase in violent crime, up 4.7 percent.
  • Despite the recent changes, violent crime still remains a problem in the area.
  • And violent crime is up this year by 14.5 percent through May.
  • What are you going to do about drugs and violent crime?
  • But in the nation as a whole, violent crime fell just 6.5 percent from 1990 through 1995.
  • In 2009 the community had a large amount of violent crime.
  • Violent crime increased last year for the first time in four years, up 2.5 percent from 2004.
  • A third of the largest schools, those with 1,000 students or more, had at least one serious violent crime.
2. violent death = nagła śmierć, nagły zgon violent death
3. violent act = agresywny czyn violent act
7. violent behavior = brutalne zachowanie violent behavior
8. violent clash = agresywne starcie violent clash
10. violent storm = gwałtowna burza violent storm
11. violent action = agresywne działanie violent action
13. violent criminal = agresywny przestępca violent criminal
14. violent reaction = gwałtowna reakcja violent reaction
16. violent man = agresywny człowiek violent man
17. violent offender = agresywny przestępca violent offender
18. violent struggle = gwałtowna walka violent struggle
19. violent nature = agresywna natura violent nature
20. violent scene = scena przemocy violent scene
21. violent gang = agresywny gang violent gang
22. violent outburst = gwałtowny wybuch violent outburst
23. violent activity = agresywna działalność violent activity
24. violent event = gwałtowne wydarzenie violent event
25. violent group = agresywna grupa violent group
26. violent war = gwałtowna wojna violent war
27. violent temper = agresywny nastrój violent temper
28. violent end = gwałtowny cel violent end
29. violent assault = brutalna napaść violent assault
30. violent revolution = gwałtowna rewolucja violent revolution
32. violent campaign = gwałtowna kampania violent campaign
33. violent crackdown = agresywna rozprawa violent crackdown
34. violent content = agresywna zawartość violent content
35. violent explosion = gwałtowny wybuch violent explosion
36. violent mean = agresywny oznaczać violent mean
37. violent movement = gwałtowny ruch violent movement
38. violent episode = gwałtowne wydarzenie violent episode
39. violent film = film pełen przemocy violent film
40. violent movie = gwałtowny film violent movie
41. violent world = agresywny świat violent world
42. violent past = agresywna przeszłość violent past
43. violent encounter = gwałtowne spotkanie violent encounter
44. violent resistance = gwałtowny opór violent resistance
45. violent history = agresywna historia violent history
46. violent opposition = agresywny sprzeciw violent opposition
47. violent way = agresywna droga violent way
48. violent felony = brutalna zbrodnia violent felony
49. violent felon = agresywny przestępca violent felon
50. violent tendency = skłonność do przemocy violent tendency
51. violent riot = gwałtowne zamieszki violent riot
52. violent repression = agresywny ucisk violent repression
53. violent uprising = agresywne powstanie violent uprising
54. violent response = agresywna odpowiedź violent response
55. violent image = gwałtowny obraz violent image
56. violent emotion = gwałtowne uczucie violent emotion
57. violent conduct = agresywne zachowanie violent conduct
58. violent argument = gwałtowny spór violent argument
59. violent wind = gwałtowny wiatr violent wind
61. violent motion = gwałtowny ruch violent motion
62. violent battle = agresywna bitwa violent battle
63. violent suppression = agresywne powstrzymanie violent suppression
64. violent eruption = gwałtowny wybuch violent eruption
65. violent dispute = gwałtowny spór violent dispute
czasownik + violent
Kolokacji: 4
turn violent • become violent • grow violent • consider violent
przysłówek + violent
Kolokacji: 28
most violent • increasingly violent • extremely violent • particularly violent • potentially violent • ...
violent + przyimek
Kolokacji: 7
violent in • violent of • violent with • violent towards • violent for • ...

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