Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Intend to the expectation and ensurance, regulation over the media formalized.
It is very popular form of business organization due to ensurance of limited liability in exchange for a relatively small investment into the registered capital.
- Russia is due to join the Green Card international auto ensurance system by January 2009.
The main responsibility of a presidential envoy to any of the seven regions is the ensurance of presidential authority in that region.
Ensurance of enhanced levels of habitat connectivity between retained areas; and, (iii) expansion of the present National Park system.
The technical support for the consultants, quality ensurance, and the pedagogical aspects are guaranteed by CEPAC.
The federal structure of Germany assigns responsibility for broadcasting, and thus for ensurance of diversity of opinions, to the Länder.
The principle of subsidiarity implies that the primary responsibility for the ensurance of the rights and freedoms laid down in the Convention rests with the national authorities.
Starting from January 1, 2009, Russian insurers will be able to issue Green Cards, cross border ensurance certificate effective in all countries participating in the project.
To provide this ensurance and protection, we feel that the best alternative is to follow a policy which restricts the placement of females in certain portions of our operation.
The group adheres to numerous self-imposed rules during their campaign production, including absence of literal human depictions, ensurance of cross-cultural imagery, and avoidance of cultural appropriation.
In 1877, his father resigned from his seat in the United States Senate and Cameron was appointed to fill the vacancy under the ensurance of the Pennsylvania Legislature.
Its main functions include management of the resources of the municipality, ensurance of the welfare and interests of its citizens and representation of its citizens before the National Government.
In the United States, prior to the recall, the Food and Drug Administration did not keep pet foods under the same level of protection and safety ensurance as food intended for human consumption.
And Korea University Lawschool Professor Park Kyung-Sin said "The most effective way to oppose rumors, which seem false, is not punishment to the speaker, but ensurance of the freedom of expression."
Thirty years later the company founded the Selective Auto and Fire Ensurance Company of America, or SAFECO (i.e., S.A.F.E. Co.).
In response to a complaint from Supervisor Catherine M. Hudgins (D-Hunter Mill), then-transportation director Young Ho Chang promised "consistent maintenance and ensurance of the safety of the facility."
(6) The right of property compels to the observance of duties relating to environmental protection and ensurance of neighbourliness, as well as of other duties incumbent upon the owner, in accordance with the law or custom.
However, in 2003, the then Communist government adopted a political document stating that one of the priorities of the national politics of the Republic of Moldova is the ensurance of the existence of the Moldovan language.
In early April 1827, Allen came to Buffalo to serve as secretary and financial manager of the Western Ensurance Company, which was chartered by the New York State Legislature in New York City.
For this purpose, the ensurance of integration of disabled into society, the creation of appropriate conditions for the raise of the level of their employment is defined as an important task in the "State Program on Implementation of Employment Strategy of Azerbaijan Republic (2007-2010)".
The Manipulated Dead (those who die within the Tangent Universe, like Frank and Gretchen) are more aware than the Living, having the power to travel through time, and will set an Ensurance Trap, a scenario which leaves the Receiver no choice but to save the Primary Universe.
Her life goal and ambition became the ensurance of succession of Shantanu's lineage and inheritance of his fortune by her sons but ironically (Ayyer comments), Bhishma - whose right to the throne was snatched because of her - outlives her children in life and in fame.
Article 87 Participation in (1) The President of Romania meetings of the may participate in the meetings of Government the Government debating upon matters of national interest with regard to foreign policy, the defence of the country, ensurance of public order, and, at the Prime Minister’s request, in other instances as well.