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"movement" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

movement rzeczownik

rzeczownik + movement
Kolokacji: 244
rights movement • labor movement • independence movement • resistance movement • reform movement • troop movement • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 72
11. bowel movement = wypróżnienie, wydalenie kału bowel movement
13. protest movement = ruch protestu protest movement
17. guerrilla movement = ruch partyzancki guerrilla movement
18. rebel movement = ruch zbuntowany rebel movement
  • He soon found himself involved in a student movement against a professor.
  • A future to win: the student movement and the 1980s.
  • It was there also where he became involved in the student movement of the 1970s.
  • During her study she was also active in the international student movement.
  • In May 1971, the student movement began to stir again.
  • During the 1970s, he took part in student political movements.
  • The group began to focus on work in the student movement and trade unions.
  • It is also a traditional center of student movements in the country.
  • Some schools closed down and the student movement became stronger.
  • The student movement has not been free from the influence of radical groups.
30. air movement = ruch lotniczy air movement
32. muscle movement = ruch mięśniowy muscle movement
33. fluid movement = płynny ruch fluid movement
34. camera movement = ruch kamery camera movement
35. dance movement = ruch taneczny dance movement
36. opening movement = ruch otwarcia opening movement
37. Fatah movement = Fatah ruch Fatah movement
38. price movement = ruch ceny price movement
43. aircraft movement = ruch statków powietrznych aircraft movement
44. ship movement = ruch statku ship movement
45. grassroots movement = inicjatywa oddolna grassroots movement
46. abolitionist movement = ruch zwolennika abolicji abolitionist movement
48. Oxford Movement = Ruch oksfordzki Oxford Movement
49. movement of goods = przepływ towarów movement of goods
53. pincer movement = manewr kleszczowy pincer movement
55. Tea Party movement = Partia Herbaciana, Partia Herbaty Tea Party movement
56. ball movement = ruch piłki ball movement
59. civil-rights movement = cywilny-prawo ruch civil-rights movement
60. limb movement = ruch kończyny limb movement
61. money movement = ruch finansowy money movement
62. player movement = ruch gracza player movement
63. enemy movement = ruch nieprzyjacielski enemy movement
65. punk movement = ruch punka punk movement
67. plate movement = ruch talerza plate movement
70. food movement = ruch spożywczy food movement
71. earth movement = ziemski ruch earth movement
72. design movement = ruch projektowy design movement
movement + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 24
movement disorder • movement pattern • Movement Party • movement vocabulary • movement leader • ...
movement + czasownik
Kolokacji: 161
movement begins • movement grows • movement causes • movement catches • movement comes • movement gains • ...
czasownik + movement
Kolokacji: 121
restrict movement • detect movement • movement founded • allow movement • movement called • hear movement • see movement • ...
przymiotnik + movement
Kolokacji: 550
political movement • slow movement • social movement • religious movement • nationalist movement • sudden movement • ...
przyimek + movement
Kolokacji: 23
through movement • between movements • without movement • such as movement • within the movement • ...

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