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"crane" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

crane rzeczownik

rzeczownik + crane
Kolokacji: 35
construction crane • Stephen Crane • Hart Crane • Mr. Crane • David Crane • ...
crane + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 7
crane operator • crane fly • crane shot • Crane Wilbur • Crane Company • ...
crane + czasownik
Kolokacji: 21
crane lifts • crane lowers • crane hoists • crane moves • crane flies • ...
czasownik + crane
Kolokacji: 3
use a crane • include cranes • crane is seen
przymiotnik + crane
Kolokacji: 17
large crane • overhead crane • mobile crane • giant crane • huge crane • ...
1. large crane = duży żuraw large crane
2. overhead crane = suwnica pomostowa overhead crane
3. mobile crane = żuraw samochodowy mobile crane
4. giant crane = olbrzymi żuraw giant crane
5. huge crane = olbrzymi żuraw huge crane
6. whooping crane = żuraw krzykliwy (gatunek ptaka) whooping crane
7. Red-crowned Crane = Czerwony/czerwona-wieńczyć/uwieńczyć Żuraw Red-crowned Crane
8. small crane = niewielki żuraw small crane
10. big crane = duży żuraw big crane
11. tall crane = wysoki żuraw tall crane
  • Scores of cargo ships anchor near the tall cranes that lift gigantic containers onto shore.
  • At the end of the street was a scrap yard where a tall crane was picking up metal on a magnet.
  • Jacques had seen a tall yellow crane on the shore side and they would use that as a beacon.
  • An ironworker for 10 years, he is happy that his young son is obsessed with working tall cranes, not hanging steel.
  • Construction crews are at work everywhere, their tall cranes visible for miles in the flat vineyard country.
  • The tallest crane had a 66 m mast and a reach of 65 m.
  • Then they watch a TV of some children saw a real tall crane.
  • These cottages often can be lifted onto a lot by a tall crane without disturbing trees and established plantings.
  • Most obvious is the building boom that has turned many neighborhoods into a maze of cavernous holes and tall yellow cranes.
  • Some victims are hung from tall hoisting cranes as an example in the presence of large crowds.
12. yellow crane = żółty żuraw yellow crane
13. heavy crane = ciężki żuraw heavy crane
14. rare crane = rzadki żuraw rare crane
15. industrial crane = przemysłowy żuraw industrial crane
(2) hydraulic, white
Kolokacji: 2
przyimek + crane
Kolokacji: 8
of cranes • by crane • with a crane • to cranes • for cranes • ...

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