Major Hungarian newspapers, as well as radio and television, sent correspondents to cover the talks and kept their audiences informed throughout the process.
In part this reflects the new realities of broadcasting: satellite technology has made it possible for local stations to send correspondents to national events like conventions.
During a two-year visa drought, The Herald has made do by sending correspondents in on tourist visas.
Many newspapers ran articles of a sensationalist nature and sent correspondents to Cuba to cover the war.
Czech newspaper editors respond by saying they have difficulty sending good correspondents to live and report in the provinces.
In the forties several papers sent correspondents abroad, and in the next decade this field was highly developed.
At all four networks, discussions about where to send anchors and correspondents dominated meetings of senior executives over the weekend.
Previously, CNN would usually send locally-based overseas correspondents to cover breaking international stories.
The London papers sent special correspondents equipped with cameras and star maps to North Africa.
As I said earlier, this is how we help regional television or radio stations that cannot afford to send correspondents to Brussels.