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Readers, like Jacob, will need to hold the pages to a mirror in order to embrace the huggermugger.
At this point, the huggermugger of early building gives way to an Augustan sense of space.
"But why go through all that huggermugger?"
The subjects range from calories to computers, from political huggermugger to the mysteries of the heavens.
Moreover, to add to its appeal, this huggermugger plot has several subtle degrees of historical authenticity.
Do you mean that Potbury might be mixed up in this huggermugger, too?"
Mr. Kellerman does this sort of psychological huggermugger awfully well.
Things move so fast that occasionally the viewer is left behind, but that only adds to the desired huggermugger.
He attributes all the current huggermugger of horror films to the coming millennium, a time expected to be rife with the extreme and the outlandish.
Huggermugger was an enemy of pretention.
All of this huggermugger might be forgivable if the authors delivered on their promise: "This is a book that turns history into prophecy."
HuggerMugger (1994)
I remember one panel where Huggermugger was peacefully eating a bowl of soup in one of the student cafeterias.
But such huggermugger about secret societies and ritual murder is gruesomely entertaining and well integrated into the fascinating early history of the military academy.
Their tales were imbued with patriotic huggermugger and derring-do, in which old-school-tie amateurs saved some vital piece of information from unscrupulous professionals.
As it happens, some dailies and television news programs have tried to get back into the huggermugger of everyday political life, even at the expense of being labeled partisan.
After a quarter-century of Watergate interpretation, it's oddly refreshing to get the undiluted, unmediated sense of huggermugger that this new cache of transcripts gives us.
There's a lot of huggermugger, to be sure, in this contrived plot about a fascistic religious group that has holed up in a lonesome outpost of Nevada.
The huggermugger about drugs and the Buick is as hard to follow or swallow as the unkosher dreck served at Tommy Auveristas's suspicious open house.
The doctors consulted a leading medical professor in Prague, Dr. Pavel Pafko, who recommended surgery - and only then did the huggermugger come to an end.
"Robocop," for a recent example, contains some huggermugger about corporation types corrupting everything; it's a thin excuse for laying on the violence, which is what that movie is mainly about.
After some huggermugger, encounters with journalists, prostitutes and political agents, Dr. Kirilov and Root Hog are united, the corruption is exposed and the higher-ups are implicated.
Now given such a hectic plot, brimming as it is with mistaken identities and huggermugger, one might find it hard to believe that "The Sacrifice of Isaac" is at heart so ruminative.
Guindon's most ubiquitous cartoon character was a student he called Huggermugger, who went around with bushy hair and a long beard, wearing an overcoat that was held together by a giant safety pin.
They would shut their eyes and visualize touching the item with the missing hand (there was a huggermugger footnote here about something called the Hand of Glory, aka the Mojo Hand).