He was a child prodigy who first performed at the age of four.
Some child prodigies are said to play beyond their years.
A child prodigy, he began performing in public at an early age.
He first came to international fame as a child prodigy.
She gave her first public performance when only two years old and was recognized as a child prodigy.
Throughout the book he is known as a "child prodigy."
He was a child prodigy, at the piano from the age of 3.
He was considered a child prodigy and quickly became noticed.
When you think about what the child prodigies are playing these days!
She emerged as a child prodigy, giving her first public performance at age two.
You're considered quite the wonder boy with the higher ups, according to him.
For weeks and months he was the great wet hope, the wonder boy who would win all the medals.
"The only other thing I know is that wonder boy here was supposed to have it solved by now."
The only check on Lady was the wonder boy.
But it's no wonder boys like that must besot themselves early in order to survive.
In Russia, as in all other countries, there are two classes of such wonder boys.
So if your wonder boy is going to gain access he has as good a chance here as anywhere.
Neither man has much difficulty recalling the days when they were considered banking's wonder boys.
The latter issued orders to a whole slew of wonder boys, who moved into action at once.
Compared with the soloists, the wonder boys of the corps show more consistency.