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"ion" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

ion rzeczownik

rzeczownik + ion
Kolokacji: 34
metal ion • hydrogen ion • calcium ion • sodium ion • chloride ion • ...
ion + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 34
ion channel • ion storm • lithium ion battery • ion beam • ion exchange • ...
ion + czasownik
Kolokacji: 10
ion moves • ion passes • ion enters • ion forms • ion binds • ...
czasownik + ion
Kolokacji: 9
contain ions • form ions • charge ions • produce ions • generate ions • ...
przymiotnik + ion
Kolokacji: 13
positive ion • negative ion • heavy ion • molecular ion • ferric ion • ...
przyimek + ion
Kolokacji: 8
of ions • with ions • to ions • for ions • between ions • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 3
1. of ions = z jonów of ions
2. with ions = z jonami with ions
3. to ions = do jonów to ions
  • This potential is determined by the selective permeability of the cell membrane to various ions.
  • It is sensitive to light, to metallic ions present in the solution, the concentration of organic matter - and the list goes on.
  • They had all been reduced to ions when their original star went nova.
  • Also, what would happen to the Cu2+ ions that form?
  • Some people attribute this to negative ions in the air.
  • Thick hair stood up wildly from the top of his head as if in response to hyperexcited ions.
  • By exposing the detector to relativistic heavy ions of known energy and electric charge.
  • The particles are given a charge by exposing them to ions from an electrical discharge in the presence of a strong field.
  • The Chief would die happy if she blew us to ions.
4. for ions = dla jonów for ions
5. between ions = między jonami between ions
6. in ions = w jonach in ions
7. from ions = z jonów from ions
8. into ions = do jonów into ions

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