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"ion" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

ion rzeczownik

rzeczownik + ion
Kolokacji: 34
metal ion • hydrogen ion • calcium ion • sodium ion • chloride ion • ...
ion + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 34
ion channel • ion storm • lithium ion battery • ion beam • ion exchange • ...
ion + czasownik
Kolokacji: 10
ion moves • ion passes • ion enters • ion forms • ion binds • ...
1. ion moves = jon rusza się ion moves
2. ion passes = jon mija ion passes
3. ion enters = jon wchodzi ion enters
4. ion forms = formy jonu ion forms
5. ion binds = jon związuje ion binds
6. ion causes = jon powoduje ion causes
7. ion collides = jon zderza się ion collides
8. ion produces = jon wydaje ion produces
9. ion travels = jon porusza się ion travels
10. ion interacts = jon oddziałuje na siebie ion interacts
  • The solubility is dependent upon how well each ion interacts with the solvent, so there are certain patterns.
  • Upon impact the ions may interact with and chemically bind to species present at the surface.
  • These ions could interact with an electrically charged object, neutralizing the charge.
  • Fast moving ions interact differently with matter than electrons do, and, due to their higher momentum, their optical properties are different.
  • Left to themselves, these ions would interact with the environment and lose coherence over a period of about one millisecond.
  • Therefore the ions will interact with each other, and due to the strong forces resulting from their opposite charge will reform a crystal lattice.
  • Differently sized ions also cannot interact as well with the negatively charged glutamic acid residues that line the pore.
  • Rider argued that, in a quasi-neutral plasma where all the positives and negatives are distributed equally, the ions will interact.
  • Mr. Nye said negative ions might interact with some of the free radicals in the water droplets on the hair and reduce the surface tension.
  • These ions interact with the object surface.
czasownik + ion
Kolokacji: 9
contain ions • form ions • charge ions • produce ions • generate ions • ...
przymiotnik + ion
Kolokacji: 13
positive ion • negative ion • heavy ion • molecular ion • ferric ion • ...
przyimek + ion
Kolokacji: 8
of ions • with ions • to ions • for ions • between ions • ...

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