In the military campaign, Pharasmanes I had sent his own troops and mercenaries to assist Mithridates.
McLennan-Forrester sends mercenaries after Jack and Paul.
Abkhaz L. Zarandia sent from Moscow 120 well-trained mercenaries.
Although, Tvrtko gave support to the surrounded Venetian garrison in Kotor by sending them mercenaries, food and weapons.
When the docked Jihad fleet sent its soldiers and mercenaries down for furlough, Quentin accompanied his sons to the governor's mansion.
HamburKs Prince of Huns had been sending mercenaries to the English to fight on American soil, and the American man-beasts bad become annoyed.
Marcus was sent to arrest Avshar, accompanied by Hemond and a squad of Namdaleni, mercenaries from the island nation of Namdalen.
Mr Mann went on to co-found Sandline International, a company that sent mercenaries to fight rebels in Angola and Sierra Leone.
True zealots, for example, can join the Russian National Legion, a paramilitary organisation, which has sent mercenaries to fight in Moldova and Bosnia.
They did the contrary: Sweden continued actively to support the Birkebeiners and John of England sent mercenaries to help Sverre.