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"weaken" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

weaken czasownik

weaken + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 33
weaken one's position • weaken one's ability • weaken the system • weaken the power • weaken bones • ...
czasownik + weaken
Kolokacji: 6
begin to weaken • continue to weaken • begin weakening • cause to weaken • help weaken • ...
weaken + przyimek
Kolokacji: 21
weakened by • weaken in • weaken with • weaken to • weaken over • ...
weaken + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 45
further weaken • severely weakened • greatly weakened • rapidly weaken • significantly weaken • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 11
  • He said the plan had been further weakened because "the special interests have already done their thing."
  • The program was further weakened for lack of a precise purpose.
  • "The coup has further weakened the system as we knew it," he said.
  • And the pound weakened further to $1.6940, from $1.6974 Monday.
  • There can be mechanical damage, which would further weaken the paper.
  • Yet the cut in his thigh had weakened and slowed him still further.
  • Later that day, it further weakened to a tropical storm.
  • She weakens further, they do rest, apparently sleeping for the night.
  • White gets ready to eliminate the knight on f6, further weakening Black's control over the d5-square.
  • And any plan for more taxes must avoid driving away businesses, which could further weaken the economy.
8. actually weaken = faktycznie osłab actually weaken
12. sufficiently weakened = wystarczająco osłabić sufficiently weakened
13. physically weakened = fizycznie opaść z sił physically weakened
14. dramatically weaken = dramatycznie osłab dramatically weaken
15. critically weaken = krytycznie osłab critically weaken
16. dangerously weakened = niebezpiecznie osłabić dangerously weakened
17. financially weakened = finansowo osłabić financially weakened
18. weaken fast = osłab szybko weaken fast
(3) gradually, suddenly
Kolokacji: 2
(4) slightly, somewhat
Kolokacji: 2
(5) considerably, substantially
Kolokacji: 2
(8) sharply, clearly
Kolokacji: 2

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