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"hurt" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

hurt czasownik

hurt + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 76
hurt people • hurt business • hurt one's feelings • hurt one's eyes • hurt one's chances • hurt children • hurt sales • hurt one's knee • ...
czasownik + hurt
Kolokacji: 14
want to hurt • go to hurt • try to hurt • mean to hurt • begin to hurt • ...
hurt + przyimek
Kolokacji: 21
hurt by • hurt from • hurt in • hurt for • hurt at • ...
hurt + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 44
badly hurt • seriously hurt • hurt bad • deeply hurt • actually hurt • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 6
1. deeply hurt = głęboko boleć deeply hurt
2. slightly hurt = nieznacznie boleć slightly hurt
3. physically hurt = fizycznie boleć physically hurt
4. further hurt = dalsza krzywda further hurt
5. hardly hurt = ledwie boleć hardly hurt
6. hurt inside = boleć do środka hurt inside
7. hurt financially = boleć finansowo hurt financially
8. deliberately hurt = rozmyślnie zadaj ból deliberately hurt
9. somehow hurt = jakoś boleć somehow hurt
10. disproportionately hurt = nieproporcjonalnie boleć disproportionately hurt
12. eventually hurt = ostatecznie boleć eventually hurt
13. accidentally hurt = przypadkowo boleć accidentally hurt
14. inadvertently hurt = nieumyślnie boleć inadvertently hurt
15. hurt economically = boleć ekonomicznie hurt economically
16. visibly hurt = wyraźnie boleć visibly hurt
17. hurt before = boleć wcześniej hurt before
18. personally hurt = osobiście boleć personally hurt
19. critically hurt = krytycznie boleć critically hurt
20. mortally hurt = śmiertelnie boleć mortally hurt
21. potentially hurt = potencjalnie boleć potentially hurt
  • But in the meantime, the sanctions will be running, potentially hurting Japanese auto makers at a time they can little afford it.
  • Without it, the largest lenders would be able to unduly influence rates and pricing, potentially hurting the consumer.
  • Just work at getting over her for yourself and don't worry about other people she has also potentially hurt.
  • And it could potentially hurt me or other people.
  • This could potentially hurt oil consumption and prices around the world.
  • He only programmed her to disagree with him so that they would not miss "something" that could potentially hurt the dolls.
  • Tying up this $200,000 could potentially really hurt the project.
  • Observers noted that this move potentially hurt Nixon by straying from his image "as a foreign policy expert."
  • Fourier saw that "traditional" marriage could potentially hurt woman's rights as human beings and thus never married.
  • Even if a bond is not in immediate danger of default, it may be downgraded by a rating agency, potentially hurting the value.
22. unfairly hurt = niesprawiedliwie boleć unfairly hurt
23. indirectly hurt = okrężną drogą boleć indirectly hurt
(5) clearly, definitely
Kolokacji: 2
(7) dreadfully, horribly
Kolokacji: 2

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