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"arbitrary" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

arbitrary przymiotnik

arbitrary + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 92
arbitrary arrest • arbitrary number • arbitrary decision • arbitrary rule • arbitrary detention • ...
przysłówek + arbitrary
Kolokacji: 16
somewhat arbitrary • seemingly arbitrary • completely arbitrary • purely arbitrary • entirely arbitrary • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 1
(1) somewhat, fairly
Kolokacji: 2
1. seemingly arbitrary = pozornie arbitralny seemingly arbitrary
2. completely arbitrary = całkowicie arbitralny completely arbitrary
3. purely arbitrary = wyłącznie arbitralny purely arbitrary
4. entirely arbitrary = całkowicie arbitralny entirely arbitrary
5. totally arbitrary = zupełnie arbitralny totally arbitrary
  • The difference between a level 5.2 and 5.5 is totally arbitrary depending on the teacher and their interpretation.
  • It's totally arbitrary which key you press to close a window.
  • Choosing to be this instead of that is totally arbitrary.
  • Anyone want to suggest someone to love or loathe, perhaps with a totally arbitrary reason we can all get behind?
  • "The city's policy is totally arbitrary about who they grant permits to and when."
  • Isn't the fact that swimming has so many different disciplines totally arbitrary?
  • Richard Moe, its president, called the states' rules "totally arbitrary."
  • What I call it is totally arbitrary, but I like the name.
  • "The amount set for shelter cost is totally arbitrary," she said.
  • One of the problems is that political security acts in a totally arbitrary manner and is responsible only to the President.
6. increasingly arbitrary = coraz bardziej arbitralny increasingly arbitrary
7. largely arbitrary = wyraźnie arbitralny largely arbitrary
8. highly arbitrary = bardzo arbitralny highly arbitrary
9. wholly arbitrary = całkowicie arbitralny wholly arbitrary
10. equally arbitrary = tak samo arbitralny equally arbitrary
11. merely arbitrary = jedynie arbitralny merely arbitrary
12. utterly arbitrary = całkowicie arbitralny utterly arbitrary
(3) essentially, necessarily
Kolokacji: 2

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