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"arbitrary" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

arbitrary przymiotnik

arbitrary + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 92
arbitrary arrest • arbitrary number • arbitrary decision • arbitrary rule • arbitrary detention • ...
przysłówek + arbitrary
Kolokacji: 16
somewhat arbitrary • seemingly arbitrary • completely arbitrary • purely arbitrary • entirely arbitrary • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 1
(1) somewhat, fairly
Kolokacji: 2
1. seemingly arbitrary = pozornie arbitralny seemingly arbitrary
2. completely arbitrary = całkowicie arbitralny completely arbitrary
3. purely arbitrary = wyłącznie arbitralny purely arbitrary
  • The choice of the period of six months is, of course, purely arbitrary.
  • And certainly not a social code or a set of purely arbitrary behavioral attitudes which have nothing to do with the society we're in now.
  • "Down the west," he said, shrugging to convey that it was a purely arbitrary selection.
  • No wonder many contemporaries viewed the proceedings as purely arbitrary.
  • Is there some sort of connection between words and the objects they refer to, or are words purely arbitrary?
  • The arrangement is purely arbitrary, and for the convenience of memory.
  • McCoy pulled a face at what looked like a purely arbitrary decision, and began to follow more slowly.
  • Most of the prisoners, however, had been arrested on purely arbitrary grounds.
  • How can these things be selected in a purely arbitrary way.
  • For most of the world, the sequence of numbers is purely arbitrary.
4. entirely arbitrary = całkowicie arbitralny entirely arbitrary
5. totally arbitrary = zupełnie arbitralny totally arbitrary
6. increasingly arbitrary = coraz bardziej arbitralny increasingly arbitrary
7. largely arbitrary = wyraźnie arbitralny largely arbitrary
8. highly arbitrary = bardzo arbitralny highly arbitrary
9. wholly arbitrary = całkowicie arbitralny wholly arbitrary
10. equally arbitrary = tak samo arbitralny equally arbitrary
11. merely arbitrary = jedynie arbitralny merely arbitrary
12. utterly arbitrary = całkowicie arbitralny utterly arbitrary
(3) essentially, necessarily
Kolokacji: 2

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