These significant differences over a small geographical distance have not been found in any other studies of marine mammals.
Three species are known to use marine mammals as hosts.
The impact on marine mammals by this system was certainly not a consideration.
The park is one of the best places in the city to view wildlife, especially birds and marine mammals.
The problem with this is that marine mammals need open water in the winter to survive.
The result is an intense debate over the future of the marine mammal.
A field guide to the marine mammals of the world.
And that knowledge, he added, is giving scientists new ways to take better care of marine mammals.
There he did research on a number of marine mammals.
Whales are large marine mammals which live in the ocean.
This makes them one of the deepest diving sea mammals.
They have been in service since 1990 and are all named after sea mammals.
Archer gave it a little push and watched the sea mammals spin.
Wildlife officials are unsure how many birds or sea mammals have been contaminated so far.
When you look at birds or sea mammals, there is little evidence of levels dropping significantly over time.
Now researchers are hoping that the secret to saving these sea mammals may be not only to look, but to listen.
Now the great sea mammals were carrying humans to safety.
About 200 injured sea mammals have been washed up on the beach during recent years.
The great sea mammals provided a kind of context that made the stars seem less remote, the moon appear closer.
We see cases of stranded sea mammals whose hearing has been damaged.