Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
In the dark I can see the white spume by my feet.
The plane seemed a thing suspended on a spume of sound.
But the rain did nothing to chill the heat of his spume.
It dashed, throwing a high spume of water on either side.
Man is as spume in the track of the monsoon.
Spume blew in his face as he struck out for the boat.
They did see the white spume, outlining the leading edge.
There was a feather of spume to mark the plunge and nothing else.
She felt their sweat as though it were the spume of hysteria.
June Spume a person who plays instruments with various parts of her body.
The spume off the whipping water was a grubby brown.
A final spume of brilliant colors exploded between the water and the night.
Trees cover the peak as if a spume of forest has settled.
All he could see was water, spray and spume.
A gust of wind blew spume up off the water.
And then he did turn, his majesty flaring from him like sun's spume.
He stared down into the smash and spume forty feet below.
The surge at the rim of the Island was still high but the spume shot straight up now.
Just the spume, being whipped up off the water, so that it looked like snow in the column of white light.
He had to shield his eyes against the sting of flying sand and spume.
Two clouds of smoke and spume rise from alongside our target.
Surging through the spume, Invincible will take him there within the hour.
It crashed across her with a roar, white spume flying in all directions.
The spume wind was gusting and tore the tears from him.
A wave broke over him; filling his mouth with its salty spume.
She clothed herself in sea foam because it pleased her.
The curtains and borders of the rooms looked like sea foam.
The churning lime green water has turned the course into a blanket of sea foam.
Sea foam rolled on her cheeks like white pearls of desire.
Sea foamed at the bow, and the forward deck began to rise.
It oozed up the old wall like slow-moving sea foam.
"I think my horse became sea foam and I nearly drowned."
The sea foamed about an object rising a hundred feet from shore.
The sea foamed around him as he gradually overhauled her.
Then he lifted the woman once more, turned and gazed at the sea foaming hundreds of feet below.
"They can live here despite that acidic sea foam?"
Too much acid and they suffocate, but the sea foam seems to slide around them.
And the women have skins like sea foam with no pubics at all."
She pointed to where it stood, covered now so as to look like a rock wreathed in sea foam.
The sea foamed about them, knee-high to those farthest forward.
The Hall fish platter, top right, in sea foam and yellow, is $55.
In 1867, the Sea Foam established regular ferry service that continued until 1958.
Her thick blond hair spread like sea foam around her cheeks.
Having sprung from sea foam, Aphrodite has no parents.
White dominates, followed by shades of sand, sea foam, shell and heather.
The rowers backed water, the sea foaming over their oars.
In the Crayola markers, spring green is known as sea foam green.
Their sea foam and silver color scheme is both stylish and soothing.
The mild, industrial green had faded considerably, from dull lime to a color like sea foam.
Newspapers crisped against the walls like dried sea foam.
Soon he is lifted, and floats in the limitless ocean foam.
The surf of the sluggish Venusian ocean foamed below them.
The shapes also mirrored her fascination with the shapes and colors of ocean foam.
Creation of ocean foams has been suggested.
Of course it's strictly ocean foam, and I'm not trying to advance it seriously, but I think it's interesting.
Are there no naiads in these crystal founts Or nereids upon the ocean foam?
Both communities are dominated by island people, in love with the sun, the sand and the curl of ocean foam on the toe of the beach.
Lakshmi, Vishnu's wife, was created from ocean foam, like Venus, and is goddess of good fortune and beauty.
Still the black ocean foamed and gnawed, eating away the desert on either side as the rift in the center widened and widened.
To be on shore and see the waves of the ocean foaming against each other, foretells your narrow escape from injury and the designs of enemies.
At the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, he placed 30th in the individual show jumping event on his horse Ocean Foam.
She was not one of the empty-headed nymphs like those associated with ocean foam or wild oats; she had a sense of purpose and fitness and decency.
Lengyll had told her and Aunt Cord that Pat had been thrown, and that Ocean Foam had then rolled upon him.
We split a superb sampler of Canadian oysters including Malpeques from Prince Edward Island, as briny as a faceful of ocean foam.
And then the livid body of a woman, dressed in tattered, gorgeous Havisham lace, skims eerily onto the stage like a bit of ocean foam blown too far on shore.
Before him, the hold deck looked almost glamorous, illuminated as it was by pinpricks of white light, and framed by glimpses of the white ocean foam the stern was pushing aside.
She bounced them in her hand, in her mind's eye seeing Ocean Foam rear, spilling her father (one spur catches in a stirrup; the rowel breaks free), then stumbling sideways and falling atop him.
And that is it Hath made me rig my navy, at whose burden The anger'd ocean foams; with which I meant To scourge th' ingratitude that despiteful Rome Cast on my noble father.
Looking down, I saw the ocean foaming through the gaps in the floorboards, and hurried out into the sun to contemplate the amazing truth about Ocean City: The people there do not seem to be aware that their beach has floated away.
Later showjumping horses included Flanagan (on which she won the Bronze medal in the Team Jumping event at the 1956 Olympic games in Stockholm), Brigadoon, Scorchin, Mr Pollard, Ocean Foam and Telebrae.
From the high cliffs of northern Manhattan to the ocean foam at Rockaway Beach, New Yorkers report they are coping by slamming down the phone faster, throwing out the mail sooner, or moving quicker to dodge the outstretched hand at the top of the subway stairs.
Sea foam, ocean foam, beach foam, or spume is a type of foam created by the agitation of seawater, particularly when it contains higher concentrations of dissolved organic matter (including proteins, lignins, and lipids) derived from sources such as the offshore breakdown of algal blooms.
They twirled even when there was no wind, Richard said - he could clearly remember standing at the window of his room and watching them go around and around and around, strange brass creations shaped like crescent moons and scarab beetles and Chinese ideograms, winking in the sun while the ocean foamed and roared below.
Air France's music has been described as "post-rave bliss", "beach foam pop", and "Balearic disco".
What was surprising was the espresso-chicory sabayon, looking unfortunately like beach foam, that came with a lovely shell-pink pave of salmon.
Opening with a shot of branches swaying in the wind, it connects images as disparate as cigarette butts, a roast turning on a spit, driving at sunset, clouds seen through a spider's web, beach foam and the shadow of a train moving through a jungle of steel girders.
Sea foam, ocean foam, beach foam, or spume is a type of foam created by the agitation of seawater, particularly when it contains higher concentrations of dissolved organic matter (including proteins, lignins, and lipids) derived from sources such as the offshore breakdown of algal blooms.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.
For I was different that very day, after he'd spumed me.
Dla byłem innym tak samym dniem, potem on by spumed mnie.
For a while he could not see the vision screens, through the night that spumed in his head.
Przez chwilę nie mógł zobaczyć ekranów wzroku, w ciągu nocy że spumed w jego głowie.
His mind, spuming through possibilities of action, went suddenly blank.
Jego umysł, spuming przez możliwości działania, poszedł nagle pusty.
Already the showers of spray were spuming up from the beach.
Już deszcze rozpylacza były spuming nad plażą.
Spray was spuming up wildly from my rails in a way I had never seen before.
Rozpylacz był spuming w górę lekkomyślnie ze swoich poręczy w pewnym sensie nigdy nie zobaczyłem wcześniej.
"I showed you my almost everything, but you spumed me.
"Pokazałem cię mój prawie wszystko, ale ty spumed mnie.
She came to me and asked me if that was why you spumed her."
Podeszła do mnie i zapytała mnie czy to było dlaczego ty spumed jej. "
A 109 flashed past, white plumes spuming from its wingtips.
109 machnąć minionych, białych piór spuming z jego wingtips.
On the big island, two memorable volcanoes still spumed.
Na dużej wyspie, dwa pamiętne wulkany wciąż spumed.
"You better do as he says, mister," he called, his head still spuming.
"Lepiej robisz ponieważ on mówi, pan," zawołał, jego głowa wciąż spuming.
Her reluctance only spumed him on to fresh crassness.
Jej niechęć tylko spumed go na świeżą ordynarność.
He glanced up at the chimney above us, spuming clouds of thick gray smoke.
Rzucił okiem w górę przy kominie nad nami, spuming chmury gęstego dymu szarego.
His breath spumed on the night air.
Jego oddech spumed w nocy powietrze.
The sleet spumed up in clouds behind him.
Deszcz ze śniegiem spumed w chmurach za nim.
There would be, if this offer was spumed, no more correspondence be- tween them.
Byłoby gdyby ta oferta była spumed, już więcej korespondencji być- nastolatkiem ich.
The two clouds met, spuming around each other, but each remained separate in a shocking contrast of light and dark.
Dwie chmury spotkały, spuming wokół siebie, ale każdy pozostał oddzielny we wstrząsającym kontraście światła i ciemny.
At one moment they were running along at a steady ten miles an hour, safe and fine, spuming up clouds of snow behind them.
W jednym momencie biegli przy stały dziesięć mil godzina, bezpieczny i świetny, spuming w górę chmur śniegu za nimi.
Fine jets of vapor spumed from her nostrils.
Udane strumienie pary spumed z jej nozdrzy.
The platform emitted no visible or audible force, but beneath it the soil spumed and ripped.
Peron nie wyemitował żadnej widocznej albo słyszalnej siły, ale pod tym gleba spumed i rozdarty.
The young girl spoke in high and enthusiastic terms of her mother, who, born in freedom, spumed the bondage to which she was now reduced.
Panna mówiła w wysokich i entuzjastycznych warunkach swojej matki, kto, urodzony w wolności, spumed niewolnictwo, do którego była teraz zredukowało.
The thrill of forcing himself into her spumed through him until his breathing turned to short bursts grunted between clenched teeth.
Dreszcz narzucania się do niej spumed dzięki niemu do jego oddychania obrócono się krótkie wybuchy chrząknęły między zaciśniętymi zębami.
The snow spumed up in crisscrossing lines.
Śnieg spumed w przecinaniu linii.
Gravel spumed up in a cloud.
Żwir spumed w chmurze.
Crimson blood spumed from her nose.
Krew szkarłatu spumed z jej nosa.
Gusts of air poured in, spuming white cement dust like escape valves blowing off steam.
Podmuchy wlanego powietrza, spuming kurz cementu białego jak wyładowujące się zawory bezpieczeństwa.
Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.