Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The three palm trees looked a little out of place.
Of course, palm trees wouldn't be growing up here any time soon.
Some of the palm trees had to be cut down.
Both included palm trees, which were common in the city.
Central Europe with palm trees was a bit more like it.
Our kids were beginning to call this place with palm trees "home."
"Who else gets a job sitting in Florida looking at palm trees?"
He rose, and made his way back toward the palm trees.
If only they could find a way to grow palm trees here.
Oh wait, Florida is the place with the palm trees, right?
The palm trees in front of the building are also original to the site.
The island is all about sun, sea and palm trees.
"It's not going to be really hot until the sun is above the palm trees."
The space under the palm trees was full of noise and movement.
The way the passing people looked at the palm trees!
Once in there, players must hit through (or around) several palm trees to reach the green.
A stand of palm trees makes a second outdoor room.
The only visible remains on the site are palm trees.
He found the path among the palm trees and followed it north.
They were standing against a brick building with short palm trees in front.
There were a few palm trees scattered around, but not many.
To one side of him was a long, low, white house framed by palm trees.
Finally the sun appeared, rising beyond a stand of palm trees.
Loss of palm trees is a potential threat to the species.
"We found it hard to think football around the palm trees", he said.
What could anyone see in the palms of anyone's hands?
Then he took both my hands in his and turned them palms up.
He put his two hands together and felt the palms.
No, we hold one another in the palms of our hands.
He put his hands in front of him, palms forward.
He opened his white hands now and looked at the palms.
I turned my hands over and looked at the palms.
He held out his palms as if to have them read.
But do not ask me to love those who have my country in the palms of their hands.
He held his hands out before him, palms open, and looked down at them.
But he wrote a message in the palms of his hands.
I put the stars in the palms of their hands.
He reached down and took my hand between his own large palms.
I closed my eyes, and once more put palms together.
Her palms were no longer cold against the skin of his back.
Press down through the palms, in order to keep the arms straight.
Says here is a girl who gets written like palms.
He reached a line of palms and moved along them toward the north.
He tried to remember what the lines on his palms were like, but couldn't.
He began to walk toward the trees, his hands held up with the palms forward.
It usually is only a little way to water if you see palms growing.
I looked at his palms and saw that they too were green now.
I remember that certain key lines were written on the palms of her hands.
I looked down at my two palms spread out in front of me.
Even so, you could feel the palms of your hands grow cold.
They are also one of the few Arecaceae with bipinnate foliage.
Caryota no is a species of flowering plant in the Arecaceae family.
Black palm is a common name for several species of plants in the family Arecaceae, including:
Brahea is a genus of palms in the Arecaceae family.
The Arecaceae are the first modern family of monocots clearly represented in the fossil record.
A new phylogenetic classification of the palm family, Arecaceae'.
It is a part of the Family Arecaceae (palm family).
This order included one family only, the Palmae (alternate name Arecaceae).
The plant genus Jessenia from the family Arecaceae is named after him.
The garden's a collection encloses all six subfamilies within the family Arecaceae, with a total of about 300 species represented.
The 2,500 species of the palm family, Arecaceae, are typically found in tropic and subtropic regions.
The larvae have been recorded feeding on a climbing rattan palm in the Arecaceae family.
Currently, few extensive phylogenetic studies of Arecaceae exist.
The Coryphoideae are a subfamily of the palm tree family, Arecaceae.
The reserve also contains Araliaceae and Arecaceae (palm tree) forests.
Phytelephas tumacana is an endangered species of flowering palm tree in the Arecaceae family.
Most palmeta are botanical gardens specialized in growing, research, conserve and display species of the Arecaceae family.
The garden includes Date palms and Arecaceae, tropical and desert flora.
The Arecaceae are a botanical family of perennial lianas, shrubs, and trees commonly known as palms.
The larvae feed on the leaves of Coconut palms of the Arecaceae family.
This family is called Arecaceae.
Balaka is a genus of about seven species in the palm family, Arecaceae or Palmae.
Wallichia, Arecaceae) were dedicated to him.
Iriartea is a genus in the palm family Arecaceae, native to Central and South America.
The Cabbage-tree Palm (Livistona australis) is in the Arecaceae family.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.
I have her right in the palm of my hand!
Mam prawo do niej w dłoni mojej ręki!
Since going public, Palm has done well as a company.
Od czasu wprowadzenia firmy na giełdę, Dłoń dobrze sobie radziła jako spółka.
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.
I do czasu gdy spotykamy jeszcze raz, Bóg może trzymać w ramionach cię w dłoni swojej ręki.
He held up his hand, palm down, less than five feet from the floor.
Uniósł swoją rękę, dłoń w dół, mniej niż pięć stóp z podłogi.
She turned her face into the palm of his hand.
Obróciła swoją twarz do dłoni jego ręki.
He held something up on the palm of one hand.
Uniósł coś na dłoni jednej ręki.
She held something out to him in the palm of her hand.
Podała coś mu w dłoni swojej ręki.
Another went clear through her left hand, right on the palm.
Inny poszedł czysty przez jej lewę ręka, prawo na dłoni.
He held out his palm so the other man could see them.
Podał swoją dłoń więc inny człowiek mógł zobaczyć ich.
He held one big hand, palm down, about four feet off the ground.
Utrzymał jedną wskazówkę minutową, dłoń w dół, około cztery stopy nad ziemią.
He, too, held out both hands and turned the palm of his right hand down.
On, również, podać obie ręce i odrzucić dłoń jego prawej ręki.
We could have him in the palm of our hand.
Mogliśmy mieć go w dłoni swojej ręki.
Some I could hold on the palm of my hand.
Jakiś mogłem mocować dłoń swojej ręki.
He was also involved in the development of the nation's palm oil industry.
Brał udział również w rozwoju przemysłu naftowego narodu palmowego.
All the information is available at the palm of their hand.
Wszelkie informacje są dostępne u dłoni ich ręki.
Federal, state, and local government in the palm of your hand.
Państwo federalne, i samorząd lokalny w dłoni twojej ręki.
In the name of the Palm, together we can be strong enough!
W imieniu Dłoni, razem możemy być dostatecznie mocni!
He held his hand palm up in front of her.
Trzymał go za rękę dłoń w jej froncie.
He held out his right hand, looked at the palm.
Podał swoją prawą rękę, patrzeć na dłoń.
You had them in the palm of your hand for two hours.
Miałeś ich w dłoni swojej ręki przez dwie godziny.
He set her down in front of 305 and held out his palm for the key.
Postawił ją z przodu z 305 i podać jego dłoń dla kluczowy.
No, we hold one another in the palms of our hands.
Nie, trzymamy w ramionach siebie w dłoniach swoich rąk.
In the palm of his hand was a small white star.
W dłoni jego ręki był małą białą gwiazdą.
It was still all in the palm of his hand.
To było wciąż wszystko w dłoni swojej ręki.
When he put his hand against it, the palm came away red.
Gdy położył swoją rękę przeciwko temu, dłoń odsunęła się czerwony.
The three palm trees looked a little out of place.
Trzy palmy popatrzały trochę z miejsca.
Some of the palm trees had to be cut down.
Jakaś z palm musiała zostać ściętym.
The day before I had been sitting under a palm tree.
Poprzedniego dnia siadałem pod palmą.
Both included palm trees, which were common in the city.
Obydwa włączyli palmy, które były wspólne w miasto.
He rose, and made his way back toward the palm trees.
Wstał, i sprawiony jego droga z powrotem w kierunku palm.
The palm tree is found along the main road of the town.
Palma zostanie znaleziona wzdłuż drogi głównej miasta.
He made the turn past the palm tree, and stopped short.
Wykonał obrót za palmą, i osadzić.
Central Europe with palm trees was a bit more like it.
Europa Środkowa z palmami była trochę więcej jak to.
Our kids were beginning to call this place with palm trees "home."
Nasze dzieci zaczynały ogłaszać tę posadę w palmach "miejsce."
If only they could find a way to grow palm trees here.
Gdyby tylko mogli znaleźć sposób by rosnąć palmy tu.
The palm trees in front of the building are also original to the site.
Palmy z przodu budynku są również oryginalne do miejsca.
Sitting under the palm tree, he had made three phone calls, the first to his home number.
Posiedzenie pod palmą, zrobił trzy telefony, pierwszy do jego telefonu domowego.
The way the passing people looked at the palm trees!
Droga przyjmujący ludzie patrzeli na palmy!
A stand of palm trees makes a second outdoor room.
Stojak palm robi drugi pokój na powietrzu.
"Who else gets a job sitting in Florida looking at palm trees?"
"Kto jeszcze dostaje posiedzenie dotyczące pracy na Florydzie patrząc na palmy?"
Oh wait, Florida is the place with the palm trees, right?
O czekać, Floryda jest posadą w palmach, prawo?
Then he looked up and saw that the young palm tree had no leaves.
W takim razie popatrzył w górę i zobaczył, że młoda palma nie ma żadnych liści.
The island is all about sun, sea and palm trees.
Wyspa chodzi o słońce, morze i palmy.
"It's not going to be really hot until the sun is above the palm trees."
"To nie będzie naprawdę gorące do czasu gdy słońce nie będzie nad palmami."
The space under the palm trees was full of noise and movement.
Przestrzeń pod palmami była pełna hałasu i ruchu.
To one side of him was a long, low, white house framed by palm trees.
Do jednego jego bok był długim, niskim, białym domem oprawionym przez palmy.
"We found it hard to think football around the palm trees", he said.
"Z trudnością myśleć piłka nożna około palm", powiedział.
There were a few palm trees scattered around, but not many.
Było kilka palm rozrzuconych wokół, ale niewiele.
To its south lies a forest full of palm trees.
Do jego południa kłamie las pełny palm.
On each side of the cave there is a palm tree.
Na każdym zboczu jaskini jest palma.
Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.