Matthew Kenney is a moderately talented chef with immoderate ambitions.
Andy Kellman of AllMusic also gave the album a negative review saying that "her functional dance-pop material and temperate ballads could be delivered by any moderately talented vocalist from the Midwest."
Stig (Mr. Olin again) is a moderately talented musician in a provincial orchestra.
Silent, Goblin, One-Eye - moderately talented Company wizards.
IT is rather common for a moderately talented young conductor to make a strong impression when he appears as a guest with one of the world's great orchestras.
Silent, Goblin, Tom-Tom and his brother One-Eye - moderately talented wizards, but no match for the Taken.
The 45-year-old O'Keefe, married with two children, arrived after the letter-of-intent deadline, making him a stepcoach of this moderately talented bunch.
While she is at times very manipulative, spiteful, and selfish, she is also good-hearted, strong willed, and a moderately talented police officer.
We'd had a few hints in the past that Gelane was moderately talented, and Chamdar's audible musings were enough to bring him to his senses.
There is a real mystery here: how is it that eight years spent working exclusively in a geometric, anti-naturalistic style transformed Picasso from a moderately talented draftsman to a master?