Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
We know quite a large amount about what happened before and after.
They pay a very large amount of money to come here.
They own a large amount of interest in the deal.
He wrote a large amount of music, especially for television programmes.
The police said a large amount of money was found in the car.
In fact they offered him a very large amount of money.
It was a large amount of money at the time.
A large amount of people who never had running water now have it.
Some ready money I had with me, please to say, but no large amount.
All positive I would say with the chance to cut back costs by a very large amount.
It is a very large amount for a business like this.
A large amount of film work followed, with several important parts.
A large amount of people from both sides were killed.
The effects took a large amount of time to complete.
The games have a large amount of story about these two men and the things that happen to them.
This needs a large amount of energy to get started, and is not easy to do yet.
These can provide a large amount of information for scientists.
The brain makes a large amount at night and very little during the day.
These will cause quite a large amount of rain, but they do not last long at all.
Since the 1980s there has been a large amount of research into safety culture.
He also keeps a large amount of money at home.
A little thought can save a large amount of trouble.
Even small things have a large amount of engineering put into them.
In addition she does a large amount of corporate work.
For the first time, large amounts of federal money went to public schools.