It carried a sword almost as long as she was tall, and its aura wasn't glowing to her bright, hazy vision.
The first sight that greeted the dormouse's hazy vision was three sparrows standing over him.
Through his hazy vision, he made out turrets and towers.
Through hazy vision he saw her melt down on him.
He raised himself slowly up on one elbow, his hazy vision disclosing groups of small figures standing about, bending over in an anxious manner.
With hazy vision he looked around and then, ever so slowly, stood up, with every muscle crying out in pain.
One materialized, she said, and even with her hazy vision, she could see it hovering a few feet from her face.
Through hazy vision he finally recognized them as Delta Force troopers from his old squadron.
He gasped again and with his hazy vision, saw an antigrav coming his way.