The door opened, and the guard handed us off to a house servant.
On second, from his own 20, he hands off to Rice, who takes it to the 28.
Then he edited each book and handed it off to the publisher of the series.
When he was most fragile, they wanted to hand him off to someone else?
He truly thought to hand her off to his brother and a few moments of pleasure would not change anything.
Every few years we hand it off to the other.
In 1939 the federal government handed off the program's activities to willing state governments.
"A quarterback 60 percent of the time is just handing the ball off to his running back."
There, he sees a couple of men handing off a package to each other and does not like it.
Depending on the quarterback's read, he will generally hand off to the running back, run the ball himself, or pass.