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I think the party wants him to ginger up the union out there.
I gingered up the engine a bit and stood on down the river.
And so he doesn't act too tame for the stock inspector, we'll put a little ginger up him at the last."
And you cannot safely ginger up your metabolic rate with drugs because of the risk from side-effects.
There is much rudeness in these letters - gingered up, no doubt, for the entertainment of friends.
"So just how do you two virtuous champions intend to ginger up the sentries?"
Red Rum memories flooding back with Ginger up for a record
You can ginger up a party, ginger an idea, ginger up a story.
tend to ginger up people whenever they think they are dragging their feet on something
Donnell came over with the checkbook and said to Chris, "Mr. Woody will fix Ginger up.
If it is the first time it's because until last Wednesday nobody had happened to annoy him in just the way that gingers up his homicidal reflexes."
Paradoxically the threat to their survival posed by reorganization appears to have gingered up the interested members of the dying Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster area authority.
Stephen used to come down to Under about once in six months to stay with John - partly for a holiday and partly, I think, to ginger up his brother.
Mr. Harrison flung the last sentence at Anne as explosively as if he suspected her of some latent design of persuading him to give Ginger up.
Like "to ginger up", the term comes from the use of ginger root to make a horse seem more lively, or to add flavour or spice to food and beverages.
Moisture from the inflated covers might have gingered up the pitch somewhat for the third day, and with the ball still quite new, England's bowlers were clearly interested in a breakthrough.
This is no reference to gin, the alcoholic beverage, but is a shortening of ginger up, which Farmer and Henley reported a century ago meant "to make things lively or hum."
That still sounded lame, and he didn't want to stir Ginger up; she was a PTL, Ernest Angsley, Kenneth Copeland, and Jimmy Swaggart fanatic.
It was founded in 1910 by the painter and critic Roger Fry and his Bloomsbury friends to ginger up the acquisition policies of muse ums that were shy of 'modern art'.
At their weakest - more than a few qualify - what is confirmed is humdrum or obvious; and the note of self-deprecation, repeated, comes to resemble a seasoning added like ketchup to ginger up the bland.
In part this is because familiar historical episodes take on a new coloring when they are looked at specifically in terms of emigration, in part because Mr. Sanders knows how to ginger up his narrative with the unexpected dramatic detail.
The medical establishment ashore continued to be wedded to the idea that scurvy was a disease of putrefaction, curable by the administration of elixir of vitriol, infusions of wort and other remedies designed to 'ginger up' the system.