Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
As indeed it has to if the action potential is to occur.
The generation of the action potential is called the "firing."
The course of the action potential is determined by two coupled effects.
If large enough, this depolarization results in an action potential.
These changes were attributed to the local currents that form the action potential.
This effect is probably responsible for the prolongation of the action potential.
The second is a propagated impulse called an action potential.
When these structures are stimulated by slight pressure, an action potential is started.
This change of potential difference is termed the action potential.
This is the mechanism that prevents an action potential from traveling back the way it just came.
This 'firing' of the axon is known as the action potential.
The effect is generated by a single neuron as a way of achieving action potential.
A nerve impulse is also called an action potential.
First, when activated, they generally respond with only one or two action potentials.
Action potentials are also responsible for coordinating activities in certain plants.
These nodes are areas where action potentials can be generated.
An action potential on the other hand is an all-or-none electrical impulse.
Several neurotoxins, both natural and synthetic, are designed to block the action potential.
The method was used to study action potentials in nerve fibers.
A neuron that emits an action potential is often said to "fire".
Unlike many other electrically active cells, the hair cell itself does not fire an action potential.
This increase in voltage constitutes the rising phase of an action potential.
After an action potential, Ca floods to the presynaptic membrane.
This type of movement has been linked to changes in action potential; the exact mechanism is still unknown.
This depolarization, if it reaches a certain threshold, will cause an action potential.