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"tremble" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

tremble czasownik

czasownik + tremble
Kolokacji: 8
begin to tremble • stand trembling • stop trembling • begin trembling • start trembling • ...
tremble + przyimek
Kolokacji: 22
tremble with • tremble at • tremble from • tremble in • tremble on • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 11
(1) with, at, from, in, on, ...
Kolokacji: 11
2. tremble at = zadrżyj tremble at
  • He put one hand on my shoulder, and I felt myself tremble at his touch.
  • She no longer woke, trembling, at the least sound in the night.
  • And she trembled at the real question: Can a man love a woman with no legs?
  • She stood with her hands clasped, trembling and looking at him.
  • She trembled at the thought of how he might hurt her.
  • But her voice trembled at the end because he'd moved a step closer.
  • Then she continued in a lower tone, her voice trembling at times.
  • It was everything he could do not to be trembling at the mere thought.
  • But my legs began to tremble at the thought of going through it all again.
  • His voice was trembling at the far edge of control.
3. tremble in = drżeć w tremble in
4. tremble from = drżeć z tremble from
5. tremble on = drżeć na tremble on
6. tremble to = drżeć aby tremble to
7. tremble under = zadrżyj poniżej tremble under
8. tremble for = drżeć dla tremble for
9. tremble beneath = zadrżyj poniżej tremble beneath
10. tremble before = zadrżyj wcześniej tremble before
11. tremble against = drżeć przeciwko tremble against
tremble + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 17
tremble slightly • tremble violently • tremble uncontrollably • tremble visibly • suddenly tremble • ...

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