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"purchaser" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

purchaser rzeczownik

rzeczownik + purchaser
Kolokacji: 5
gun purchaser • straw purchaser • handgun purchaser • ticket purchaser • bond purchaser
purchaser + czasownik
Kolokacji: 10
purchaser pays • purchaser buys • licensed by the purchaser • purchaser receives • purchaser makes • ...
przymiotnik + purchaser
Kolokacji: 14
prospective purchaser • potential purchaser • large purchaser • original purchaser • major purchaser • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 3
1. large purchaser = duży nabywca large purchaser
  • Today, the Society is the world's largest purchaser of daffodils.
  • In fact, the Federal Government is the world's largest purchaser of goods and services.
  • These numbers make the agency the largest purchaser of managed care in the country.
  • At the same time, foreign investors have become the largest purchasers of Japanese stocks and bonds.
  • Its hope is that they become a standard in medicine, used by individual consumers and large purchasers to compare the quality of health plans.
  • But this fall two large purchasers backed out of agreements to buy 2,000 birds, he said.
  • As the nation's largest purchaser of medical services, the Medicare program for the elderly and disabled influences the entire system.
  • The Federal Government is the nation's largest purchaser of information technology.
  • The Government is the largest purchaser of goods and services in the world, so it makes sense to put that purchasing power to work.
  • Hospitals, insurers and other large purchasers are trying to keep the drug companies from shifting the costs to them.
2. major purchaser = główny nabywca major purchaser
3. big purchaser = duży nabywca big purchaser
4. would-be purchaser = potencjalny nabywca would-be purchaser
5. main purchaser = główny nabywca main purchaser
(3) original, foreign, new
Kolokacji: 3
(4) private, individual, single
Kolokacji: 3
przyimek + purchaser
Kolokacji: 6
to purchasers • of purchasers • for purchasers • from purchasers • with purchasers • ...

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