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"overseas" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

overseas przysłówek

czasownik + overseas
Kolokacji: 55
go overseas • serve overseas • travel overseas • sent overseas • live overseas • deployed overseas • work overseas • move overseas • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 13
1. sent overseas = wysłany za granicą sent overseas
3. move overseas = rusz się za granicą move overseas
4. based overseas = oparty za granicą based overseas
5. shipped overseas = przewieziony za granicą shipped overseas
  • For people stationed overseas, it's a big part of the culture all around us.
  • Joining the military can sometimes work to break a contract if you are going to be stationed overseas.
  • His father was by now selling insurance to soldiers stationed overseas.
  • More than 9,000 American peacekeepers are now stationed in nine countries overseas.
  • He grew up enjoying the constant travel that came with being in a military family stationed overseas.
  • Among the signatures were those of a man stationed overseas in the Army and an elderly blind woman.
  • Children of Japanese business families stationed overseas for a few years invariably encounter problems returning here.
  • It also had a number of boats stationed overseas in Italy's colonial empire.
  • Kinko's, for example, offers 30 minutes' free computer use to relatives of soldiers stationed overseas.
  • American servicemen, stationed overseas to face yet another novel situation, sent in requests by the thousand to hear it played.
7. posted overseas = wysłany za granicą posted overseas
8. tour overseas = wycieczka za granicą tour overseas
9. released overseas = zwolniony za granicą released overseas
10. arrested overseas = aresztowany za granicą arrested overseas
12. migrate overseas = wyemigruj za granicą migrate overseas
13. shifted overseas = przesunięty za granicą shifted overseas
(5) play, fight, compete
Kolokacji: 3
(7) invest, spend, venture
Kolokacji: 3
(8) study, train, recruit
Kolokacji: 3
(9) fly, flee, decline
Kolokacji: 3
(10) manufacture, produce
Kolokacji: 2

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