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"infect" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

infect czasownik

infect + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 26
infect people • infect humans • infect cells • infect others • infect computers • ...
czasownik + infect
Kolokacji: 3
avoid infecting • begin infecting • risk infecting
infect + przyimek
Kolokacji: 12
infected with • infected in • infected through • infected by • infected at • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 5
(1) with, in, through, by, at, ...
Kolokacji: 12
2. infected in = zakażony w infected in
3. infected through = zakażony całkowicie infected through
4. infected by = zakażony przez infected by
  • A source says four cases had been found infected by this time.
  • And the executive staff over there seem to find you infected by the same disease.
  • Yields can be reduced up to 30% if infected by this virus.
  • After about 20 years, these suckers too become infected by the fungus and killed back to ground level.
  • And if you are a scientist, or infected by gastric doubt, look at it this way.
  • The wound had become infected by the constant rubbing of a heavy load.
  • "Because the magter are sick, infected by a destructive life form?"
  • We have seen that they can acquire new characteristics if infected by a plasmid.
  • The first time they tried out death in the arena the Christian got infected by the general bloodlust and bit the lion.
  • That night, the other people infected by the virus during the explosion respond to the call of the vampires.
5. infected at = zakażony przy infected at
6. infected during = zakażony podczas infected during
7. infected from = zakażony z infected from
8. infected for = zakażony dla infected for
9. infected to = zakażony aby infected to
10. infected after = zakażony potem infected after
11. infect on = zakażać na infect on
12. infected before = zakażony wcześniej infected before
infect + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 17
newly infected • deliberately infect • commonly infect • actually infected • naturally infect • ...

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