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"enzyme" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

enzyme rzeczownik

rzeczownik + enzyme
Kolokacji: 13
liver enzyme • restriction enzyme • protein enzyme • protease enzyme • plant enzyme • ...
enzyme + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 25
enzyme class • enzyme activity • enzyme inhibitor • enzyme deficiency • enzyme complex • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 2
1. enzyme class = klasa enzymu enzyme class
2. enzyme activity = działalność enzymu enzyme activity
3. enzyme reaction = reakcja enzymu enzyme reaction
4. enzyme function = funkcja enzymu enzyme function
  • Several enzyme functions have been reported for the PDE2.
  • It may be that extreme pressures interfere with essential enzyme functions.
  • Magnesium is an important electrolyte needed for proper muscle, nerve, and enzyme function.
  • Guinea pigs who also have lost this enzyme function 20 million years ago and depend on dietary vitamin C are often used as a human model.
  • Some 350 enzyme functions depend on it, including the enzyme that generates energy for every cell in the body.
  • This loss of enzyme function likely causes the characteristic features of these two conditions.
  • Studies suggest that a lysine close to the active site (at position 12) is also crucial for enzyme function.
  • Such techniques permit scientists to test for gene activity and enzyme function throughout an organism.
  • The enzyme functions by providing two glutamate residues as catalytic acid and base.
  • Water is also central to acid-base neutrality and enzyme function.
5. enzyme kinetics = kinetyka enzymu enzyme kinetics
6. enzyme inhibition = zahamowanie enzymu enzyme inhibition
7. enzyme molecule = cząsteczka enzymu enzyme molecule
8. enzyme production = produkcja enzymu enzyme production
9. enzyme action = działanie enzymu enzyme action
(3) deficiency, supplement
Kolokacji: 2
(4) complex, catalysis, cofactor
Kolokacji: 3
(5) assay, immunoassay
Kolokacji: 2
enzyme + czasownik
Kolokacji: 25
enzyme belongs • enzyme participates • enzyme catalyzes • enzyme contains • enzyme requires • ...
czasownik + enzyme
Kolokacji: 18
produce enzymes • use enzymes • enzyme is called • contain enzymes • enzyme known • ...
przymiotnik + enzyme
Kolokacji: 37
digestive enzyme • certain enzyme • proteolytic enzyme • key enzyme • different enzyme • ...
przyimek + enzyme
Kolokacji: 7
with enzymes • for enzymes • in enzymes • of this enzyme • by enzymes • ...

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