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"enzyme" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

enzyme rzeczownik

rzeczownik + enzyme
Kolokacji: 13
liver enzyme • restriction enzyme • protein enzyme • protease enzyme • plant enzyme • ...
enzyme + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 25
enzyme class • enzyme activity • enzyme inhibitor • enzyme deficiency • enzyme complex • ...
enzyme + czasownik
Kolokacji: 25
enzyme belongs • enzyme participates • enzyme catalyzes • enzyme contains • enzyme requires • ...
czasownik + enzyme
Kolokacji: 18
produce enzymes • use enzymes • enzyme is called • contain enzymes • enzyme known • ...
przymiotnik + enzyme
Kolokacji: 37
digestive enzyme • certain enzyme • proteolytic enzyme • key enzyme • different enzyme • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 2
1. digestive enzyme = enzym trawienny digestive enzyme
2. proteolytic enzyme = proteolityczny enzym proteolytic enzyme
4. related enzyme = powiązany enzym related enzyme
5. missing enzyme = chybiając enzymu missing enzyme
  • Each is referred to by the initials of the missing enzyme.
  • The missing enzyme is like an absentee worker on the assembly line.
  • After birth, the children were given the missing enzyme in drug form, Dr. Kohn said.
  • In other cases, infusion therapy is used to replace the missing enzyme.
  • Another approach that can be taken is enzyme replacement therapy, in which a patient is given an infusion of the missing enzyme.
  • Research is studying techniques to replace the missing enzyme (arylsulfatase A).
  • An experiment was then carried out to see whether an injection of the missing enzyme into the hips would help the range of motion and pain.
  • If all goes as planned, the T-cells will propagate enough of the missing enzyme to help restore the children's immune system to normal or near-normal.
  • Enzyme replacement therapy adds a working form of the missing enzyme to the body.
  • The new cells can also provide the missing enzyme for someone with a storage disease.
6. oxidative enzyme = utleniający enzym oxidative enzyme
7. synthetic enzyme = syntetyczny enzym synthetic enzyme
(2) certain, responsible
Kolokacji: 2
(4) different, industrial, new
Kolokacji: 3
(8) bacterial, viral
Kolokacji: 2
(9) human, powerful, defective
Kolokacji: 3
przyimek + enzyme
Kolokacji: 7
with enzymes • for enzymes • in enzymes • of this enzyme • by enzymes • ...

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