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"delight" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

delight rzeczownik

rzeczownik + delight
Kolokacji: 3
Afternoon Delight • customer delight • Chocolate Delight
czasownik + delight
Kolokacji: 13
take delight • express delight • find delight • give delight • feel delight • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 2
1. take delight = ciesz się take delight
3. find delight = znajdź radość find delight
4. give delight = daj radość give delight
5. feel delight = poczuj radość feel delight
  • He knew from its mind glow that the youngling had felt only wonder and delight, not anger or fear, when it saw him.
  • Proudly or not, all parents feel delight when our children score and regret when they miss.
  • Riker felt real delight at the genuine hope he perceived in the voice and manner of the science specialists.
  • He felt delight in discovering a link with his own past.
  • She hadn't known her body could feel such delight and joy.
  • KC hadn't even wanted to go on this journey, so she had been more surprised than anyone to feel delight at seeing her hometown again.
  • Eugenia felt sudden delight at the idea of going out with him, and then common sense took over.
  • Jeffrey felt delight and affection and other emotions he couldn't name.
  • Her fingers moved as if they had life of their own, could feel delight, and again she laughed.
  • But love them, and they feel you, and delight in you all the time.
6. squeal with delight = kwik z radością squeal with delight
7. share one's delight = dzielić czyjś radość share one's delight
8. greet with delight = przywitaj z radością greet with delight
9. get delight = dostać radość get delight
10. bring delight = przynieś radość bring delight
11. find to one's delight = znajdować aby czyjś radość find to one's delight
(2) laugh, imagine
Kolokacji: 2
przymiotnik + delight
Kolokacji: 63
great delight • sheer delight • pure delight • Turkish Delight • obvious delight • ...
przyimek + delight
Kolokacji: 7
with delight • of delight • in delight • for delight • to the delight • ...

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