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"borrow" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

borrow czasownik

borrow + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 43
borrow money • borrow books • borrow one's car • borrow ideas • borrow elements • ...
czasownik + borrow
Kolokacji: 11
want to borrow • need to borrow • ask to borrow • allow to borrow • begin borrowing • ...
borrow + przyimek
Kolokacji: 19
borrow from • borrow against • borrow at • borrow for • borrow on • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 11
2. borrowed into = pożyczony do borrowed into
3. borrow about = pożyczać około borrow about
4. borrow without = pożycz na zewnątrz borrow without
5. borrow over = pożyczać ponad borrow over
6. borrow during = pożyczać podczas borrow during
7. borrow of = pożyczać z borrow of
8. borrow including = pożyczać w tym borrow including
9. borrow under = pożycz poniżej borrow under
  • He usually borrowed just under $400 at a time, but other times he took out larger loans with lower rates.
  • I borrowed Wayfinder a short time ago, under the pretext of testing it.
  • "We could borrow for welfare costs under that theory," she said.
  • Members may borrow from the pool under conditions that become increasingly stringent as more money is borrowed.
  • "Rather mean to borrow under those circumstances, I should say."
  • Well, I'd saved some, and the rest I borrowed under my own name.
  • They are also known to borrow under sand for safty when being chased by predetors.
  • People of the best credit there seldom borrow under five per cent.
  • To achieve maximum freshness, many films in production will often borrow the designs of products under actual development.
  • You may soon be unable to borrow more than three times your annual salaries, under new borrowing rules.
10. borrowed since = pożyczony od tej pory borrowed since
borrow + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 20
borrow heavily • borrow directly • borrow freely • borrow liberally • borrow extensively • ...

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