Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
"It was a great way to while the time away - to have fun and talk politics," he said.
We can while the time away,' he suggested in such an altered tone of voice I glanced around sharply at him.
If you wish you can lounge in a comfortable chair and while the time away talking, playing games or reading.
And Nana counted these rings to while the time away withal.
Did he honestly think that song, a twiddle to while the time away until Sebell returned, was good enough to be perfected?
I whiled the time away by reading Cyril Northcote Parkinson.
While waiting for Leaf to provide what passed for an evening meal on Skid, they whiled the time away with a beer or two.
She looked so exactly like the sort of respectable rich widow one would expect to find sitting by herself in the Ritz, whiling the time away with her knitting.
Eventually we arrived at Paddington, the six people in our compartment having whiled the time away with philosophical discussion, practice for the school concert next day and someone else's horrible sandwiches.
Declared by a feng shui practitioner as a very good location to do business in the area, now serves as a "mini pueblo" or a mini-mall where people converge, eat, dine, shop and while the time away.
There is another man who was her father and I see him with a string of race horses, or sometimes in a little inn just outside Vienna; rather I see him on the roof of the inn flying kites to while the time away.
I thought whistling was something one did alone to while the time away, but seeing all this talent in the world here was an eye opener,' said Fumi Takita, a 33-year old housewife who was at the competition in Ushiku, 90 km (56 miles) north of Tokyo.