Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
But we will always stand up for the national interest.
The groups don't just have the national interest in mind.
But we have the right to act in our national interest.
He says development of society and national interest must come first.
However, the Government has to do what is in the national interest.
And what's good for the energy companies is always the national interest.
They have to act in the national interest, and to be seen to do so.
Yet he must - for the national interest and his own.
Now they say the national interest required them to step in.
A clear understanding of the national interest and policy is key.
No 10 said the decision had been taken in "the national interest."
"We will at all times stand up for the British national interest."
In some cases even the national interest would have to be considered.
This is not a country in which we have a strong national interest.
We should continue to put the economy, jobs and the national interest first.
Public health programmes and education for all were now considered to be in the national interest.
Israel’s national interests are not always in line with Washington’s.
First, it is in America’s national interest to do so.
Since when was telling the truth against the national interest.
Both levels of government now have an opportunity to come together and act in the national interest.
This may be in the national interest, but not the bank’s.
It was not in our national interest to let that happen.
Those world leaders who did, came to protect their own national interest.
Its also to look out for the national interests of our country.
They could begin to develop their own view of our national interest.
The actual police is the direct governmentality of the sovereign who rules through raison d'état.
Foucault begins to chart through this historical, political reasoning behind the doctrine raison d'état (reason of state).
It is important that the raison d’État does not automatically prevail over the État de droit.
This period saw the adoption of the very Machiavellian realpolitik and the primacy of the raison d'état in international relations.
La Raison d'État.
And though it would be a brave government that made the case publicly, raison d’état may have justified the release in a way that compassion did not.
Virtù, for Machiavelli, was not equivalent to moral virtue, but was instead linked to the raison d'État.
The national interest, often referred to by the French expression raison d'État ("reason of State"), is a country's goals and ambitions whether economic, military, or cultural.
It is also a medium of communication that brings correspondents together to transact business, exchange good wishes and sometimes exchange goods independent of any raison d'État.
For Clausewitz, war is simply one unique means that is sometimes applied to the eternal quest for power, of raison d'État in an anarchic and unsafe world.
Comte Geza Mattachich, Folle par raison d'État : la princesse Louise de Belgique.
During his hearing in August 2006 before the Italian Parliamentary Committee on Secret services control (Copaco), Pollari defended himself again invoking the raison d'état.
The message signed, sealed and delivered was also an essential ingredient of raison d'État in the modern world of the sixteenth century, when Europe began to colonize North America.
Another way of looking at this would be through Adam Watson's term 'raison de système', a counterpoint to 'raison d'état', and defined as 'the idea that pays to make the system work'.
Although Cardinal Richelieu, the powerful chief minister of France, had previously mauled the Protestants, he joined this war on their side in 1636 because it was in the raison d'état (national interest).
Like his contemporaries as statesmen, such as Mazarin, De Witt was a raison d'état statesman, but his raison d'état had a different content.
However, the duchy was never allowed to develop as a truly independent state; Frederick Augustus' rule was subordinated to the requirements of the French raison d'état, who largely treated the state as a source of resources.
"Armes, trafic et raison d'état," a 90 minutes film on the flow of weapons pouring into Eastern Congo Arte TV, a French-German channel, co-directed by Paul Moreira and David Andre.
Moreover, mainstream theories rely entirely on the philosophical presuppositions of the Westphalian age — exclusive national interest and the primacy of raison d'État (reason of state: placing the needs of the nation above the privileges of its most important groups).
Kissinger, as a great believer in the realist school of international relations, focuses strongly upon the concepts of the balance of power in Europe prior to World War I, raison d'État and Realpolitik throughout the ages of diplomatic relations.
According to Le Figaro, Bruguière, who is in close contacts as well with Moscow as with Washington, D.C., including the CIA and the FBI, has been accused by many of his colleagues of "privileging the raison d'état over law."
Huntington identified eight civilizations — Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Islamic, Western, Orthodox Russian, Latin American, and possibly African — as dominant forces in world politics.11 Raison d'État in 11 In his Foreign Affairs article, he used the term Confucian for Chinese.
The Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913 was still ready to endorse a version of this view, describing the massacres as "an entirely political act committed in the name of the immoral principles of Machiavellianism" and blaming "the pagan theories of a certain raison d'état according to which the end justified the means".
Michel Debré, a Prime Minister under de Gaulle and author of the constitution of the Vth Republic, declared that 'since in France government stability cannot come from the electoral law, it must come from making governmental rules', a classic statement justifying raison d'état and distrust of the people.
Democratically elected and accountable governments and parliaments are the source of legitimacy of the raison d'état, but this does not imply either that there is only one raison d'état for each national government, or that a powerless legitimacy is a valuable national instrument.