Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Silence glanced quickly at the numerical display to confirm it, and said, "I show a match."
Grad looked at it, then the numerical displays.
A numerical display, superimposed upon the target picture, appeared and began reeling off the seconds.
A 'look and think' comprehension task, based on graphic or numerical display stimulus and requiring only short answers.
Scores of 10,000 and above are displayed as a combination of icons and the numerical display.
The Company subsequently introduced numerical displays, solid state transmitters, integrated circuits and eventually microprocessors for the product.
From the front almost to the point of the elbow, there were revealed buttons and switches, flickering numerical displays, and blinking colored lights.
Instead, the general operators used older kinds of numerical displays made up of either small neon tubes or diodes that emit tiny lights.
In the New Jersey's combat information center the numerical displays showed the exact range to the Kirov's mainmast.
This modern form allows for very precise tuning and locking-in on weak signals, as well as a numerical display of the tuned frequency.
According to a numerical display on the machine, the machine had already taped one call tonight, even if Offenhouse had absolutely no memory of any such call.
There's also a value/bank numerical display showing either the levels (when in program mode) or which bank is being used (when the ME-6 is in play mode).
The program features two major parts - the input and numerical display window, in which the user can enter a desired Apogee and Perigee and press the 'Launch!'
IEC 60268-18 is a partial standard for a PPM designed for use with digital audio in both professional and consumer use, using "incremental dot or bar type displays or numerical displays".
Analog voltmeters move a pointer across a scale in proportion to the voltage of the circuit; digital voltmeters give a numerical display of voltage by use of an analog to digital converter.
"Research on the legibility of numerical displays for aircraft dials and readouts was summarized in an important military standard published in 1957 (MIL-C-18012A, with an important update, MIL-C-18012B, in 1964).
The C in Beethoven's Fifth, therefore, is really closer to our B. Denon's new control easily adjusts to compensate for this difference, and there is even a calibrated numerical display to help with accurate tuning.
Designed and built by the Bell Punch Co. in Britain, and marketed through its Sumlock Comptometer division, they used vacuum tubes and cold-cathode switching tubes in their logic circuits and nixie tubes for their numerical displays.
On the Paris Métro, there are two types of information display systems; the LED numerical display installed in all Métro lines (except line 14), in use since 1997, and the television display installed on all stations on line 14.