Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
It wouldn't be so bad if the middies had been killed in action.
Of course, the Middies have won only nine times, the last time in 1963.
The middies are a throwback in more ways than one.
The Middies defeat a ranked team for the first time since 1985.
"Thank God, they've only sent a kind of a middy!"
He put Middy down, found the torch, and went walking up the field path.
A late rally by the Middies gave them a touchdown with 95 seconds left.
The Middies couldn't even trickle through his side of the line."
In the meantime, however, I make it a policy to spend a few minutes with new middies when they first come aboard.
And of the middies available t' me, I believe you're the best choice."
Rather to Daniel's surprise, the middies had volunteered for the mission.
The Middies had switched from their usual passing attack to the run and got away with it.
The Middy eventually closed in 1952, 44 years after it had opened for passenger traffic.
It was hard, because the young woman was everything Honor believed a middy should be.
"God, no wonder the middies are all scared spitless of you!"
She was glad he liked Middy despite his being a bloody nuisance at times.
But the two middies were too astronomically junior to any of them to feel truly comfortable.
"I've been showing the middies how to examine hot thrusters."
The Middies (17-5) never trailed after a 10-point streak put them ahead, 12-5.
They splashed pawsfirst into muddy water almost to their middies.
Middy, about to lick it delicately, took a leap backwards.
It was certainly one way to determine how she and her fellow middies would react under conditions of social strain!
"Did you ever consider trying out for the marksmanship team when you were a middy?"
He does his duties, but he doesn't seem much like the other middies."
Little Huddart, the middy, died a death which is worth many inglorious years.
Hanging from a hook was a middy blouse and some girls' underwear.
On top she wore a white middy blouse.
She was wearing white shoes, white skirt, and middy blouse.
There, Medora, the heroine, appears in a middy blouse for a sailor dance.
Another man offers a sailor's middy blouse.
Uniform was a middy blouse and bloomers.
I know she's got her eye on my yellow middy blouse but you can lengthen the sleeves, can't you, mother?
She was waiting in the hall, so light and young in her middy blouse and red tam.
Bloomers were usually worn with stockings and after 1910 often with a sailor middy blouse.
Often, he looked back to see Catherine, still standing on the dock, a white-clad figure in her yachting skirt and middy blouse.
Eight years old, pigtails, middy blouse.
The girl was ten years younger, now clad in tight bluejeans shorts and a brief middy blouse which left absolutely nothing to the imagination.
Middy blouses are $210 to $220; calf-length skirts with unpressed pleats are $200.
She was young, veritably a girl, in middy blouse deep cut at the throat, pleated white skirt, white shoes.
Three ladies wearing black slacks and identical middy blouses passed by on the opposite boardwalk, not looking at him with pointed curiosity.
She wore a new outfit, white shorts and a middy blouse, and she had tied a bright silk scar around her head.
Once a week, on assembly day, boys came to school in ties and girls had to wear middy blouses, sailor-style blouses with bows.
Aleksandr Bogatyrev emoted movingly and desperately as Treplev although he seemed too old to be wearing a middy blouse.
Grad Tie-Dye: On the last day of school the graduating class wears their tie-dyed middy blouses and gets other students to sign their shirt.
There are pages of snapshots showing the two girls together, arms intertwined, wearing the same haircuts, shapeless dresses, freshman beanies and baggy overalls with middy blouses.
She is dressed in her trademark school uniform, which is a white middy blouse with a sailor collar, red scarf, blue skirt, knee-high white socks, and black shoes.
Bounding Main to Battle Jacket Some memorable styles are based on sailor suits, including one that mixes a middy blouse with kimono sleeves and very flaring pants.
Solomon's mother, Frances Kurke Probst, worked as a middy blouse model during World War I; after her marriage she attended Columbia University and became an artist.
Long slim legs in white tights, pale blue pumps with curly heels, and yes, a skirt which dropped to its former just-above-the-knee length when the garment, evidently a middy blouse, was off.
They're going to remind people of Mia Farrow's eyes, and the character's middy blouses and other period outfits look like clothing that Annie Hall would have bought in thrift shops four decades later.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
It wouldn't be so bad if the middies had been killed in action.
Of course, the Middies have won only nine times, the last time in 1963.
The middies are a throwback in more ways than one.
The Middies defeat a ranked team for the first time since 1985.
"Thank God, they've only sent a kind of a middy!"
He put Middy down, found the torch, and went walking up the field path.
A late rally by the Middies gave them a touchdown with 95 seconds left.
The Middies couldn't even trickle through his side of the line."
In the meantime, however, I make it a policy to spend a few minutes with new middies when they first come aboard.
And of the middies available t' me, I believe you're the best choice."
Rather to Daniel's surprise, the middies had volunteered for the mission.
The Middies had switched from their usual passing attack to the run and got away with it.
The Middy eventually closed in 1952, 44 years after it had opened for passenger traffic.
It was hard, because the young woman was everything Honor believed a middy should be.
"God, no wonder the middies are all scared spitless of you!"
She was glad he liked Middy despite his being a bloody nuisance at times.
But the two middies were too astronomically junior to any of them to feel truly comfortable.
"I've been showing the middies how to examine hot thrusters."
The Middies (17-5) never trailed after a 10-point streak put them ahead, 12-5.
They splashed pawsfirst into muddy water almost to their middies.
Middy, about to lick it delicately, took a leap backwards.
It was certainly one way to determine how she and her fellow middies would react under conditions of social strain!
"Did you ever consider trying out for the marksmanship team when you were a middy?"
He does his duties, but he doesn't seem much like the other middies."
Little Huddart, the middy, died a death which is worth many inglorious years.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.
The Midshipmen had never lost more than eight games in a season.
Aspiranci marynarki wojennej nigdy nie przegrali więcej niż osiem gier za porę roku.
Sometimes she took part in action with the midshipmen on board.
Czasami brała udział w działaniu z aspirantami marynarki wojennej na pokładzie.
For midshipmen they knew a lot more than he had at that age.
Dla aspirantów marynarki wojennej wiedzieli dużo więcej niż on mieć w tym wieku.
"Take some of the new midshipmen up there with you."
"Zabierać jakiegoś z nowych aspirantów marynarki wojennej tam w górze z tobą."
The Midshipmen defense allowed an average of 38.8 points per game.
Aspiranci marynarki wojennej obrona pozwoliła średniej 38.8 punktów na grę.
Instead there was only himself and his two brother midshipmen.
Za to był tylko siebie i jego dwóch aspirantów marynarki wojennej brata.
The Midshipmen were 0-10 last season and are 1-1 this year.
Aspiranci marynarki wojennej byli 0-10 zeszła pora roku i są 1-1 bieżący rok.
Beginning at their own 31-yard line, the Midshipmen moved the ball quickly.
Zaczynając przy ich własnej linii 31-jard, Aspiranci marynarki wojennej przestawili piłkę szybko.
Then there was the 1999 game, when the Midshipmen lost, 28-24.
W takim razie było 1999 gra, gdy Aspiranci marynarki wojennej przegrali, 28-24.
Himself as a midshipman two and a half decades earlier.
Siebie jako aspirant marynarki wojennej dwa i połowa dekada wcześniejszy.
He became a midshipman, but left the Navy in 1811.
Został aspirantem marynarki wojennej, ale zostawić Marynarkę Wojenną w 1811.
After about 3 years, they would be promoted to midshipman.
Potem około 3 lat, awansowaliby na aspiranta marynarki wojennej.
There's the midshipmen, and yeah, I've heard all the stories about them.
Są aspiranci marynarki wojennej, i tak, wysłuchałem wszystkich historii o nich.
There are 7,109 midshipmen in training programs, according to the Navy.
Jest 7,109 aspirantów marynarki wojennej w programach szkolenia, zgodnie z Marynarką Wojenną.
He was young, a midshipman, just out of the Academy.
Był młody, aspirant marynarki wojennej, po prostu na zewnątrz z Akademii.
Or in the case of the midshipmen, those who will be commissioned.
Albo w przypadku aspirantów marynarki wojennej, te, które zostaną zlecone.
And how goes the wooden Midshipman in these changed days?
I jak wchodzi na drewnianego Aspiranta marynarki wojennej za te zmienione dni?
The first published use of the term midshipman was in 1662.
Pierwsze wydane wykorzystanie aspiranta marynarki wojennej terminu było w 1662.
The Midshipmen had not thrown more than 20 times in an entire game since 1986.
Aspiranci marynarki wojennej nie rzucili więcej niż 20 czasów w całkowitej grze od 1986.
The young midshipman who had taken the second's place looked terrified, she thought to herself.
Młody aspirant marynarki wojennej, który zajmował miejsce sekundy wyglądał przerażony, pomyślała do siebie.
There was silence for a moment, then one midshipman raised his hand.
Była cisza na moment, w takim razie jeden aspirant marynarki wojennej podniósł swoją rękę.
Think how many other midshipmen from our class would give their right nut to be here instead of us.
Myśleć, że ilu innych aspirantów marynarki wojennej z naszej klasy dałoby swój prawy orzech być tu zamiast nas.
Makes you sound like a midshipman who can't find his way home.
Robi ci dźwięk jakby aspiranta marynarki wojennej, który nie może znajdować jego drodze domu.
He graduated as a midshipman four years later, on June 20, 1876.
Ukończył jako aspirant marynarki wojennej cztery lata później, 20 czerwca 1876.
He was promoted to passed midshipman on 20 May 1844.
Awansował na miniętego aspiranta marynarki wojennej 20 maja 1844.
Of course, the Middies have won only nine times, the last time in 1963.
Oczywiście, Middies wygrać tylko dziewięciokrotnie, ostatnim razem w 1963.
It wouldn't be so bad if the middies had been killed in action.
To nie byłoby tak złe jeśli middies zginąć w walce.
The middies are a throwback in more ways than one.
Middies są throwback pod wieloma względami.
The Middies defeat a ranked team for the first time since 1985.
Middies zwyciężać umieszczony w rankingu zespół po raz pierwszy od 1985.
He put Middy down, found the torch, and went walking up the field path.
Położył Middy, znaleziony latarka, i poszedł na wędrówkę w górę drogi pola.
"Thank God, they've only sent a kind of a middy!"
"Dzięki Bogu!, tylko wysłali rodzaj z middy!"
A late rally by the Middies gave them a touchdown with 95 seconds left.
Nocny wiec przez Middies udzielił im lądowania z 95 sekundami w lewo.
In the meantime, however, I make it a policy to spend a few minutes with new middies when they first come aboard.
W tym czasie, jednakże, robię temu politykę spędzić kilka minut z nowy middies gdy oni najpierw przychodzą na pokładzie.
Rather to Daniel's surprise, the middies had volunteered for the mission.
Raczej na niespodziankę Daniela, middies zgłosić się na ochotnika do misji.
And of the middies available t' me, I believe you're the best choice."
I z middies dostępna t 'mnie, sądzę, że jesteś najlepszym wyborem."
The Middies had switched from their usual passing attack to the run and got away with it.
Middies przeszedł z ich zwykłego wydarzającego się ataku na serię i wykręcił się od kary.
The Middy eventually closed in 1952, 44 years after it had opened for passenger traffic.
Middy ostatecznie zamknął w 1952, 44 lata później to otworzyło dla ruchu pasażerskiego.
She was glad he liked Middy despite his being a bloody nuisance at times.
Cieszyła się, że lubi Middy pomimo jego będąc cholerną niedogodnością chwilami.
It was hard, because the young woman was everything Honor believed a middy should be.
To było twarde ponieważ młoda kobieta była wszystkim, czemu Honor uwierzył middy powinien być.
"I've been showing the middies how to examine hot thrusters."
"Pokazywałem middies jak badać gorące silniki sterujące."
The Middies couldn't even trickle through his side of the line."
Middies nawet nie mógł lać powoli przez swoją stronę linii. "
The Middies (17-5) never trailed after a 10-point streak put them ahead, 12-5.
Middies (17-5) nigdy nie podążyć tropem po 10-uwaga, że smuga dała im prowadzenie, 12-5.
It was certainly one way to determine how she and her fellow middies would react under conditions of social strain!
To był na pewno jeden sposób by ustalić jak ona i jej facet middies zareagować na mocy stanów społecznego obciążenia!
"Did you ever consider trying out for the marksmanship team when you were a middy?"
"Kiedykolwiek uważałeś staranie się dostać do umiejętności strzeleckich za zespół gdy byłeś middy?"
But the two middies were too astronomically junior to any of them to feel truly comfortable.
Ale dwa middies były też astronomicznie niższy rangą do któregokolwiek z nich czuć się naprawdę wygodnym.
In 1923 girls adopted a school uniform, "a dark blue skirt with a white middy.
W 1923 dziewczyny przyjęły mundurek szkolny "ciemnoniebieska spódnica z biały middy.
The Middies' heads tilt and their eyes look left and right without changing color.
Middies 'jest na czele przechylenia i ich oczu rozglądać się na obie strony bez zmieniania koloru.
The middies eagerly took their places in the control cabin and examined the landscape below.
Middies z zapałem zajmował ich miejsca w kabinie kontrolującej i zbadać krajobraz poniżej.
Middy, about to lick it delicately, took a leap backwards.
Middy, około liznąć to delikatnie, skoczył do tyłu.
Middy pushed through his legs as he stooped, almost unbalancing him.
Middy doprowadził do przyjęcia swoich nóg ponieważ garbił się, prawie doprowadzając do zachwiania równowagi go.
Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.