Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
In broad strokes, we know what needs to be done, and how to do it.
Then we already have the essential picture, at least in broad strokes.
I think it is far too easy to paint in broad strokes about the issues.
We have found out how the universe began - even when, and in broad strokes, what has happened since.
Then he told her about his mission, albeit in broad strokes.
Their acts might indeed still have to be painted in broad strokes.
"But you can help people in broad strokes, without giving away the store.
In broad strokes, the government's decision represents a balancing act.
The President made his proposals in broad strokes, and the details remain to be worked out.
These findings allow us to paint a picture of low income among women in broad strokes.
Richards accused the media in broad strokes of making things up, but couldn't present any evidence.
They want to know in broad strokes who is most electable.
But musical theater often works best when painted in broad strokes.
They did so in broad strokes: one didn't have to understand Italian to know where the laughs were.
So I'll give it to you in broad strokes.
No one will tell you exactly what to do as a priest; assignments are given in broad strokes.
The characters, once outlined in broad strokes, do very much what you'd expect.
"In broad strokes, it comes down to potential safety concerns and our uniform policy," he said.
The new data provide a picture of suburban immigration painted in broad strokes.
I've understood in broad strokes what the problems are.
To each question, he answered only in broad strokes, refusing to get too specific or pointed.
Baba had always described my mother to me in broad strokes, like, She was a great woman.
What they were waiting for, in broad strokes, was a story something like this:
They look at things in broad strokes to make "assessments of cultural effort" (84).
"Gone are the days when portfolio risk was measured in broad brushstrokes.
In broad brushstrokes, not much has changed in our denim choices for 2015 - the skinny still reigns supreme.
His oils, painted in broad brushstrokes, depict the rugged landscape of the Western Highlands, often with a white croft set against a dark rock face.
In broad brushstrokes, the US approach has been to consider public health investigations somewhat differently than planned research activity with respect to some of these ethical issues.
The female figure is carefully finished, but the background is sketched out roughly with bold dashes of colour in broad brushstrokes suggesting sunlit foliage.
Traditionally grand opera conveys plot in broad brushstrokes; the audience is not particularly interested in its intricacies, or its detours and complexities.
This private viewing of The Gallery aims merely to paint a picture - in broadest brushstrokes - of Oxford's most vibrant and cosmopolitan shopping development.
In his studio in Los Angeles, he creates miniature backdrops with cutouts and glued-on adornments, all slathered in broad brushstrokes.
Now that worries about spies and subterfuge need not occupy our every thought, a new trend is emerging that sees security in broader brushstrokes than mere brute force.
In broad brushstrokes, the school "focuses primary attention on who is, or ought, to make a given legal decision, and how that decision is, or ought to be made...."
In broad brushstrokes: Autant (in the centre, spreading out from the town of Limoux itself) wines proved my least favourite: slightly turbid and lacklustre, as if afflicted by a malaise.
The satellite is the successor to NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer, or COBE, which first mapped the cosmic radiation in broad brushstrokes in 1992.
The collage ensembles, painted in broad brushstrokes and dappled colors, take on the contours of a "Midwest Landscape" or "Rolling Hills" or an abstract pattern in "Swirls and Stripes."
However, some in the industry have questioned the feasibility of such proposals, saying regulators and lawmakers have painted their reform plans in broad brushstrokes, neglecting discussion of the mechanics of how OTC clearing might work.
These premisses concern historical and geographical specificities: this part of the memorandum describes in broad brushstrokes the social and cultural context in which the works are born, and to which explicit or allegorical references are made.
The Maison du Jouir has now been recreated in broad brushstrokes on the exact same spot on which it used to stand, in a colourful Marquesan garden where a new Gauguin museum is also located.
But in broad brushstrokes, here is what Dr. Gerry Bell, research meteorologist at the National Weather Service's climate prediction center, sees for the southern states: "a drier, warmer and less stormy winter due to the effects of La Nina through the spring."
An Israel official said on Thursday that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has agreed to outline solutions "in broad brushstrokes" to all the outstanding issues dividing Israelis and Palestinians -- refugees, Jerusalem and final borders -- in the joint statement.
The trauma here is bigger than in The Vegetarian, and dealt with in broader brushstrokes so that this novel's lyricism is sometimes swallowed up by narrating causes and effects - the government crackdown on literature, for example, and the effects of industrialisation on the working-classes.