Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
A lot of discussion will also be needed on the Commission's human resources policy.
The report rightly emphasises the central importance that human resources policy must have in reform.
A human resources policy can demonstrate that you have a consistent approach to the recruitment and development of your workforce.
The human resources policy of the EU institutions has been subject to much criticism.
Our elaborate human resources policy governs all staff members.
The company will also establish a task force to revise Texaco's human resources policies.
This site serves as a comprehensive portal to the Department's human resources policies, procedures, and practices.
The designation singles out employers, submitted by their employees, with progressive human resources policies.
This independence allows agencies to implement human resources policies that may even be contrary to the laws of a host - or a member country.
Many successful businesses go much further and actively promote diversity in both their strategic and human resources policies.
The institution has not, however, used human resources policies that are appropriate to the changing responsibilities and needs of the institution as an organisation.
We must therefore encourage initiatives that contribute to the development in companies of positive measures and human resources policies promoting gender equality.
Dr. Zerhouni acknowledged in a recent memo that the agency's travel and human resources policies needed improving.
Four years later he became director of its employment and labor policy division, now known as the Human Resources Policy Center.
If, on the one hand, this choice of human resources policy offers greater flexibility, on the other, it will require increased training for European Union staff.
First held in 1999, the project aims to single out the employers that lead their industries in offering exceptional working conditions and progressive human resources policies.
Published annually since October 2007, the designation recognizes the employers that lead their industries in creating forward-thinking workplaces with progressive human resources policies.
They express it in management style, corporate culture, values, philosophy and operating style, the organisational structure, and human resources policies and procedures.
"I don't see a trend," said Patrick Cleary, vice president for human resources policy at the National Association of Manufacturers.
"This debate is not about free choice," said Jason Straczewski, director of human resources policy for the National Association of Manufacturers.
He is the chairman of the management policy department and the director of the Human Resources Policy Institute at Boston University.
We must make even greater efforts to optimise our working tools, the management of information tools, the costs related to data transmission and, finally, our human resources policy.
During 2007, A group of Tesco employees were investigated for criticising the firm's human resources policy and its 'rude' customers on the Facebook social networking site.
"Every unit had run for the hills," Mr. Gerstner recalled, "creating their own human resources policies, their own communications policies."
The companies most likely to have official policies are in locations where workplace smoking laws are already in effect, according to the Human Resources Policy Corporation.