Nevertheless, this marks the beginning of effectively independent Jalayirid rule.
The position of Viborg's lord became effectively independent.
In Class I compounds, electron transfer between the centers is slow, and the sites behave as if they were effectively independent.
Afrasiyab was formerly an Ottoman vassal but had been effectively independent since 1612.
These kingdoms remained effectively independent until the Rebellion of the Seven States.
This later led to more troubles than they could have expected, but in the 1630s they seemed to be effectively independent.
Outer Mongolia became effectively independent on 1 December 1911.
He remained a nominal vassal of the Russian Empire, but was effectively independent.
After his death in 1405, the family quickly fell into disputes and civil wars, and many of the governorships became effectively independent.
The state was effectively independent until the advent of the Marathas forced it into a shaky alliance.