Guy Vander Jagt, a former Michigan Congressman, prevailed on his friends in Congress to provide tax benefits for a retirement plan created for members of the American Football Coaches Association.
In other states, there are most notably major pushes for Legislation in Pennsylvania, and 15 Michigan Congressmen publicly declaring support for the movement.
Mr. Young had hoped that Mr. Ford, a former Michigan Congressman, would not let the state's largest city falter.
"Lobbyists have to be seen; John Dingell is here and it's good for him to see me," Mr. Tuvin said, referring to the Michigan Congressman who is chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
The library is named after Peter White, a local businessman, postmaster, real estate developer, Michigan Congressman, and philanthropist who lived from 1830 - 1908.
But Japan Inc. is not the monolith so dear to the imaginations of Michigan Congressmen and Michael Crichton.
A former Michigan Congressman, Jim Dunn, was victorious in the Republican primary and will challenge Senator Donald W. Riegle Jr., a Democrat who is seeking reelection to a third term.
For the Michigan Congressman see Frank P. Bohn.
Frederick Stephen Upton Class of '71, Michigan Congressman, family founded Whirlpool Corporation.
Moreover, his aides declined to identify academic or business figures who are close to the Michigan Congressman.