Since his earliest days in Congress, Congressman Serrano has been actively involved in ending the embargo against Cuba.
Congressman Serrano believes that more must be done to help those who have the least in our nation.
Having worked in education before entering politics, Congressman Serrano is deeply interested in education issues.
Congressman Serrano believes clearing the air and improving the environment is a top priority in the South Bronx.
Congressman Serrano remains strongly opposed to our current military involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.
Congressman Serrano has advocated for a healthcare system that provides coverage to all.
Congressman Serrano is committed to the idea that low income and working families have a right to safe, decent and affordable housing in this country.
Congressman Serrano said he hoped that many would enter the Foreign Service and bring their own sensibilities to it.
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Congressman Serrano's office works to connect constituents with resources available to them as taxpayers.