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Can you be sued for writing a bad review online?

Kategoria: Biznes i finanse
Kanał: Business Daily
Data: 15 kwietnia 2024, 1:01
Poziom: B1-B2 (średnio zaawansowany)

Ocena: 0 (liczba ocen: 0)

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We depend on online reviews for everything from hotel and restaurant bookings, to what products to buy, and as we hear in this programme, medical and cosmetic procedures.

If a customer feels unhappy with a service they've paid for, they might want to leave a bad review. But what happens if the company they're complaining about doesn't like it?

In the UK, a cosmetic surgery company, Signature Clinic, is taking some of its former patients to court after they posted negative reviews or comments on support groups. We hear from some of them.

(Image: A surgeon putting on surgical gloves. Credit: Getty Images)

Presented and produced by Ed Butler