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The rise of women voters in India

Kategoria: Biznes i finanse
Kanał: Business Daily
Data: 17 kwietnia 2024, 1:01
Poziom: B1-B2 (średnio zaawansowany)

Ocena: 0 (liczba ocen: 0)

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As India enters election season, we look at the crucial female vote.

For decades, the number of women turning out to vote in India has been low, but that’s changed in the last decade.

Now, political parties are deliberately targeting policies at women, to try and win over this key group.

We hear from a group of women about their priorities in the 2024 general election - for the workplace, in business, and their day-to-day lives.

(Picture: A group of women in India lining up to vote. Credit: AFP)

Presented and produced by Devina Gupta