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"treasurer" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

treasurer rzeczownik

rzeczownik + treasurer
Kolokacji: 19
state treasurer • campaign treasurer • county treasurer • city treasurer • Lord Treasurer • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 5
4. town treasurer = skarbnik miasta town treasurer
  • Previously, he had served as a town treasurer from 1864 to 1868.
  • Was it worth looking for the town treasurer, and finding out who were the two or three most prosperous merchants?
  • He was the chairman of the town board and town treasurer for a number of years.
  • He also served as the town treasurer of Auburn, Mass., before retiring in the late 1970's.
  • He succeeded his father as town treasurer from 1889-1910, and while in office handled more than four million dollars.
  • What had followed was a mind-numbing litany of financial statistics, provided by the town treasurer.
  • Afterward the town treasurer told reporters, "If you go out in the woods in hunting season, you're going to get shot."
  • During this time he also served as town treasurer of Norwalk.
  • Certainly the town treasurer has realized the kind of damage that can happen when his computer gets infected by something.
  • He also served as Norwich's town treasurer and a member of the city council.
6. Illinois Treasurer = Illinois Skarbnik Illinois Treasurer
7. U.S. Treasurer = USA Skarbnik U.S. Treasurer
(3) Lord
Kolokacji: 2
(4) secretary, deputy
Kolokacji: 2
(5) club, church, board
Kolokacji: 3
czasownik + treasurer
Kolokacji: 8
elect treasurer • serve as treasurer • appoint Treasurer • name treasurer • consist of Treasurer • ...
przymiotnik + treasurer
Kolokacji: 8
assistant treasurer • corporate treasurer • honorary treasurer • national treasurer • longtime treasurer • ...
przyimek + treasurer
Kolokacji: 3
of treasurer • for Treasurer • including treasurer

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