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"terrorist" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

terrorist rzeczownik

rzeczownik + terrorist
Kolokacji: 11
Qaeda terrorist • pirates terrorist • Hamas terrorist • IRA terrorist • suicide terrorist • ...
terrorist + czasownik
Kolokacji: 47
terrorist uses • terrorist attacks • terrorist kills • terrorist strikes • terrorist tries • ...
czasownik + terrorist
Kolokacji: 44
fight terrorists • terrorist is tackled • stop terrorists • prevent terrorists • call terrorists • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 2
(5) pursue, prosecute, involve
Kolokacji: 3
(7) train, target
Kolokacji: 2
(8) track, chase
Kolokacji: 2
1. track terrorists = terroryści w konkurencjach biegowych track terrorists
  • Mr. Ashcroft told lawmakers that the authorities need still greater powers to track and pursue terrorists.
  • He advocates creating a comprehensive government database to track criminals and terrorists.
  • The current multipoint wiretap standard gives the Government all the means it needs to track terrorists, while protecting the privacy rights of Americans.
  • We've passed a new antiterrorism law which gives our law enforcement officers the necessary tools to track terrorists before they harm Americans.
  • "The challenge for intelligence is not to track down known terrorists," he said.
  • The data was used in a research project on how to track terrorists and other "high-risk" passengers.
  • And in both cases, doctors said, they were stopped by law enforcement officers armed with radiation detectors used to track possible terrorists.
  • Federal immigration authorities today began releasing scores of foreign-born men who had been detained in a nationwide dragnet designed to track potential terrorists.
  • It will track, they said, not only suspected foreign terrorists but also Americans tied to domestic events like violence at abortion clinics.
  • Still, he acknowledged that it was much harder to use electronic intercepts to track terrorists than the "industrial-sized" targets of the cold war.
2. chase terrorists = terroryści pościgu chase terrorists
(9) find, detect, locate
Kolokacji: 3
(10) arm, recruit
Kolokacji: 2
przymiotnik + terrorist
Kolokacji: 61
Islamic terrorist • international terrorist • Palestinian terrorist • potential terrorist • foreign terrorist • ...
przyimek + terrorist
Kolokacji: 14
against terrorists • by terrorists • for terrorists • with terrorists • to terrorists • ...

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