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"terrorist" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

terrorist rzeczownik

rzeczownik + terrorist
Kolokacji: 11
Qaeda terrorist • pirates terrorist • Hamas terrorist • IRA terrorist • suicide terrorist • ...
1. Qaeda terrorist = Qaeda terrorysta Qaeda terrorist
2. Hamas terrorist = Hamas terrorysta Hamas terrorist
3. Al Qaeda terrorist = Al Qaeda terrorysta Al Qaeda terrorist
4. IRA terrorist = Terrorysta IRA IRA terrorist
5. Hezbollah terrorist = Hezbollah terrorysta Hezbollah terrorist
  • Aviv said that the Syrian had ties to Hezbollah terrorists, who were holding Westerners as hostages in Beirut.
  • Yet he still does not see that he was engaged in an arms-for-hostages exchange because the Hezbollah terrorists, rather than the Iranians, had custody of the hostages.
  • Syria now occupies that once-independent nation, hosting Iran's Hezbollah terrorists.
  • Finally the Israelis were able to strike back at the sheik and his Hezbollah terrorists by sending in a commando force to capture him.
  • He apparently sent a tough message to the Hezbollah terrorists: There would be costs to killing another American.
  • Hezbollah terrorists, with support from Syria and Iran, sowed conflict in the region and are seeking to undermine Lebanon's legitimately elected government.
  • The Hezbollah terrorists have adopted the same logic of holding the Israeli people responsible for the actions of their government.
  • The Bahraini government consistently dismissed sectarian unrest as the work of Hezbollah terrorists instigated and supported by Iran.
  • How long have we been piddling with the Palestinians about those Hezbollah terrorists who hit the Hollywood Bowl?
  • Two things must be said loudly and clearly about the proclaimed execution Monday of Lieut. Col. William Higgins by Hezbollah terrorists.
6. Al-Qaeda terrorist = Al-Qaeda terrorysta Al-Qaeda terrorist
terrorist + czasownik
Kolokacji: 47
terrorist uses • terrorist attacks • terrorist kills • terrorist strikes • terrorist tries • ...
czasownik + terrorist
Kolokacji: 44
fight terrorists • terrorist is tackled • stop terrorists • prevent terrorists • call terrorists • ...
przymiotnik + terrorist
Kolokacji: 61
Islamic terrorist • international terrorist • Palestinian terrorist • potential terrorist • foreign terrorist • ...
przyimek + terrorist
Kolokacji: 14
against terrorists • by terrorists • for terrorists • with terrorists • to terrorists • ...

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